I would like to take the time to share the knowledge and tips of a Teacher, Mentor and friend Tracy Griffiths, she is a compassionate, incredibly grounded practitioner and amazing human being that I have deep love and respect for. She has guided me and mentored me not only in Polarity and Cranial work but in a personal level in many ways. Isabel’s beauty Authority blog is here with much of her help, I am so thankful to have her in my life.
With that said we would like to introduce her to you so you to can benefit from her gifts.
Tracy Griffiths, RPP, CMT, co-founder of the Life Energy Institute, is a senior teacher and practitioner of the energetic healing arts specializing in Aromatherapy, Polarity + Cranial Sacral Therapy.
Tracy is an expert leader in the integration of essential oils into mainstream medicine and the yoga community. As the essential oils instructor for the Urban Zen Integrative Therapy Program, Tracy teaches at Ronald Regan UCLA Medical and other medical facilities, sharing the powerful benefits of essential oils for patient and self-care. TracyGriffiths.org
Having more energy can be easier than you think!
As we continue from the Energy Secret #1 blog post, we step down from the ether element and throat chakra, and come to the heart chakra, located at the center of the chest. The heart chakra, which is ruled by the air element is the center for compassion, joy and forgiveness. The air element thrives with regular movement, laughter and fun.
Some of the essential oils that I recommend for balancing the heart chakra are; Jasmine, Lavender, Rose, Forgiveness and or Joy.
This exercise may be done while sitting, standing or walking.
Step 1.
Apply your desired essential oil directly to your heart area. Remember if you have sensitive skin, use a few drops of Young Living’s V-6 carrier oil to dilute.
Take a moment to deeply inhale the essential oil and state your intention for doing this exercise.
With the finger tips of one or both hands, firmly and rapidly tap the upper center of your chest, just below your throat while singing the sound “HUUUUUUUUUU” (pronounced “hue”) in a higher pitch that your normal talking voice. Don’t be shy with your volume. You can be loud and proud.!
After you practice this for at least two minutes, take a few moments in stillness and silence and observe your physical sensations.
Here’s to having more fun and having more energy!
For more energy exercises and yoga techniques combined with Young Living Essential Oils visit Aroma Yoga® store page.
Aroma Yoga® is a step-by-step guide that helps you easily integrate aromatherapy into your yoga routine and your life. Aroma Yoga® is a simple, straightforward introduction to essential oils and the many benefits of aromatherapy, and features specific oils for various asanas and energy exercises. Like yoga, essential oils have been used for thousands of years to cleanse, heal and balance the mind, body and emotions.