


 The Onyx & Breezy


The Foundation was formed in 2004 by Mark and Wanda Shefts to honor the memory of their two labrador retrievers. The Shefts’ passion for animals led them to create this non-profit foundation, which assists animals in a variety of ways. The foundation lends financial support to:

· Funding of equipment for medical facilities
· Funding for much needed research
· Medical treatment for animals where hardship is present
· Funding of organizations that benefit animals
· Other endeavors that benefit the welfare of animals

100% of your contributions to the Foundation will be directed to fulfill the goals of the Foundation which utilizes only volunteer staff.


Every child born with a cleft – anywhere in the world – should have the opportunity to live a full and productive life. Smile Train provides free cleft surgery to hundreds of thousands of poor children in developing countries.


Changing the World One Smile at a Time from Smile Train on Vimeo.



 The Nature Conservancy

 The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.

We address the most pressing conservation threats at the largest scale. Thanks to the support of our more than 1 million members, we’ve built a tremendous record of success since our founding in 1951: 

We’ve protected more than 119 million acres of land and 5,000 miles of rivers worldwide — and we operate more than 100 marine conservation projects globally.

We work in all 50 states and more than 30 countries — protecting habitats from grasslands to coral reefs, from Australia to Alaska to Zambia. See where we work.

We address threats to conservation involving climate change, fresh water, oceans, and conservation lands. Learn how we’re responding

Join Us

We address the most urgent conservation challenges at the largest scale. Today, more of our natural world is at risk than ever before. So our work is crucial to keep vital habitats and unique species from being lost forever.

But we can’t achieve the large-scale conservation victories necessary without the support and involvement of those who share our passion for preserving our last great places.

There are many ways to support the work of The Nature Conservancy. With so much at stake, we hope you will get involved now:

Become a member 

Give a gift membership

Join Friends of The Nature Conservancy

Or Adopt an Acre, Adopt a Coral Reef or Plant a Billion Trees



Save the Amazon Rain forest Organization

The tropical rainforests of the world are under threat. They are being destroyed at the rate of 6 million hectares per year — that’s an area the size of a football pitch every four seconds. Imagine that, while you’re reading this sentence, a football pitch patch of rainforest has disappeared.

If we continue this rate of destruction, within several generations, the largest rainforest in the world — the Amazon — will be gone. And with it, the source of much potential medicine, biodiversity and a massive carbon sink that acts as the lungs of the world. If we lose that, we lose the fight against catastrophic climate change.

So what can we do? Save the Amazon Rainforest Organisation raises money for projects that are sustainable within the rainforest: enabling indigenous people to remain in the forest and stopping the march of illegal logging and slash and burn.

Join us in our latest project, BUY THE BEES, which buys stingless bees for local people to make honey, that they can sell.

And in doing so sign up to our mission to promote and support the protection and the conservation of the Amazon Rainforest, the world’s most precious resource.


STARO are delighted to announce that they are one of 6 charities and projects chosen by Coolaworld, which is a planet-saving shopping and carbon coaching website launched recently in the UK.Â

Just like wind, water and sunshine can be harnessed to create cleaner, sustainable energy; the billions of pounds spent shopping on the Internet every year can be converted into planet-saving projects at the click of a mouse.

With over a hundred household names and retailers to choose from, including APPLE, HARRODS, EUROSTAR, JOHN LEWIS, VODAFONE and NEXT, COOLAWORLD rewards online shoppers with COOL CREDITS that they can donate to STARO or spend on low-carbon goods and services.Â

The innovative portal, which uses technology similar to that used by AIRMILES and NECTAR POINTS, also has free guidelines for people who want to “cool” the CO2 emissions. Alternatively, people can use their COOL CREDITS to buy low-carbon products such as digital music and video, or to buy online magazines; the idea being to gradually change their behaviour without turning them off the notion of low-carbon living.

Register free for your coolapoints at, and start helping STARO now!


The Rainforest Foundation

About Us

Loggers in the DRC

Every year an area of rainforest the size of England and Wales is cut down.

This leaves local people homeless, drives animals and plants to extinction and releases more CO2 emissions, which cause climate change, than all of the world’s planes, trains and cars.

Tropical deforestation is an issue that affects us all.

The Rainforest Foundation tackles deforestation locally and globally. Locally it helps forest communities to gain land rights, challenge logging companies and manage forests for their own wellbeing and protection of their environment. Globally it campaigns to influence national and international laws to protect rainforests and their inhabitants.

Since it was founded in 1989 the Rainforest Foundation has helped indigenous and local communities to protect more than 100,000 square kilometers of rainforest .

Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Rainforest Foundation UK is to support indigenous peoples and traditional populations of the world’s rainforest in their efforts to protect their environment and fulfil their rights to land, life and livelihood by assisting them in:

1. Securing and controlling the natural resources necessary for their long term well being and managing these resources in ways which do not harm their environment, violate their culture or compromise their future.
2. Developing means to protect their individual and collective rights and obtain, shape and control basic services from the state.

In The Beginning


The Rainforest Foundation was founded in 1989 by Sting and his wife Trudie Styler, after they saw first-hand the destruction of the Amazon rainforests, and the devastating impact it had on the lives of the indigenous peoples who lived there.

The Foundation’s first major initiative was to campaign for the protection of the lands of the Kayapo Indians in Brazilian Amazonia. This resulted in 1993 in the legal recognition and demarcation of an area of more than 27,359 square kilometers.

Over the last 20 years the Foundation has expanded and diversified. Today there is the New York-based Rainforest Foundation Fund, which is generously backed by Sting. This provides funding, over USD 1.5 million in 2007, for three autonomous organisations – Rainforest Foundation US, Rainforest Foundation Norway, Rainforest Foundation UK. These organisations directly support projects in more than 20 countries that protect tropical rainforests and the people that live in them.

A Different Approach

Mapping in DRC

The Rainforest Foundation’s approach differs from that of other organisations in that it is committed to both human rights and environmental protection.

Early attempts at environmental conservation often excluded local populations and sometimes resulted in forced expulsion from their traditional lands.

From the start the Rainforest Foundation believed that the best way to protect the rainforests is to let the indigenous people who have inhabited the areas for centuries control and manage the land.

Indigenous peoples’ participation and their knowledge of the local ecology are now recognised as the most effective environmental management tools. Not only does it support practical projects in tropical rainforest areas, the Rainforest Foundation carries out international advocacy campaigns.

Experience has proven that the combination of practical work and lobbying, all of which is based on local experience, is the most powerful tool for lasting change.


Tree Foundation

TREE Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to tree research, exploration and education. TREE Foundation pursues and promotes research, education, and exploration to advance the conservation of our planet’s botanical resources and ecosystems dependent upon them.

Donate to TREE Foundation to help us with our conservation, education and exploration efforts. Learn about other donation options and fundraising projects here.