The Cosmetics Cop – Paula Begoun
Also known as The Cosmetics Cop, self published author of 18 books on the beauty industry, most notably Don’t Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me, The Original Beauty Bible and Blue Eyeshadow Should Be Illegal. Her books on skin care, makeup, and critiquing practises of the beauty industry have gained international recognition. She is also creator and CEO of Paula’s Choice skin care and cosmetics, and CEO of Beginning Press Publishing. She is known for her view that skin care and cosmetics should be based on ingredients that have been subjected to peer reviewed research. Paula Begoun and her team host Be Beautifully Informed an hour-long Internet radio show with topics centered on cosmetics, skin and hair care. Topics vary from makeup tips to skin- and hair-care advice, current industry news, beauty industry “myth-busting,” best and worst products, and special guests including dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons. Paula also has her own websites one named Paula’s Choice Besides being the place to buy Paula’s Choice products the site has a wealth of beauty information. The other site: Beautypedia is the definitive online source of reliable, in-depth researched information on cosmetic products. You’ll find thousands of candid, research-supported reviews. You’ll enjoy access to detailed, scientifically validated cosmetic critiques you won’t find anywhere else online! From major name brands to smaller boutique, home shopping, infomercial, and spa lines, it’s all here so you save money and find the best products for your skin. Beautypedia also has infomation on which products do and do not test on animals.