Spider Veins what are they and what to do about them




Thanks, all of you from all of us at Isabel’s beauty blog, you’re a great part of our success with the likes and visits, without it there is no blog.

This week 244 we are sharing information and valuable research from authorities in the field of vein wellness, this subject is a very concerning one for thousands of people across the world and in general not much information readily available on the cause and how to modify our lifestyle to correct this challenge, we said this due to the fact that this condition can get out of hand and really place us in a position of desperation and make a decision that will only address the symptom but not the cause. Like everything in life we must take responsibility personally to learn how our body, mind, and spirit works so we can live a life of full wellness across the board, before we face a chronic state and that will really take work, so lets start and connect with the reality of what causes this issues, here we go, we wish you wellness.


According to http://www.acupuncture.com/newsletters/m_aug10/varicoseveins.htm

The color of the veins is usually blue to dark purple and this color is very significant according to traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis.

Purple and bluish veins indicate that the body system is being affected by a traditional diagnostic concept known as “Blood Stasis”.

The term blood stasis includes symptoms like varicose veins, spider veins and thick dry skin such as on the heel as well as fixed stabbing pains that could be anywhere in the body. Ancient Chinese physicians understood the concept of blood flow and the relationship of blood vessels to the heart hundreds of years before the US medical physician William Harvey wrote about blood circulation.

Individuals with varicose veins have a decreased ability to break down fibrin, a compound involved in clot and scar formation. When fibrin is deposited in the tissue near the varicose veins, the skin becomes hard and lumpy due to the presence of fibrin and fat

The Chinese perspective

Varicose veins, in the Chinese medical tradition, are due to a weakness of the muscles and connective tissues of the body, which are governed by the spleen network of the digestive system. With chronic weakness comes the pooling of blood and energy, leading to these spider veins.Treatments focus on strengthening the spleen network, supporting healthy digestive function, toning the muscles and activating movement of blood and energy. You can use acupuncture, acupressure, and massage to stimulate blood circulation and target certain veins; topical and herbal remedies will help reduce swelling and discoloration. Take these tips!

From:   http://www.mysticmedicine.com

According to the Chinese model, yang is a specialized energy within the body that serves a number of functions, one of them being to send energy higher up in the body. This energy is usually higher in men. Yin energy, on the other hand, is energy that is lower in nature and thus assists in sending nourishment to the lower parts of the body. Yin, as you may have guessed, is higher in women. Varicose veins are seen as a result of decreased yang energies in the body, thus affecting more women, so they do not hold the veins as high and tight to the skin as they should. Instead, the excess yin energy is dragging them down.

That underlying reason is a deficiency of the Spleen energy. The Spleen, according to Chinese Energetics, has a tendency to retain heavy, damp energy, which inhibits it from producing healthy upward energy. As a result, the body suffers from being dragged down and heavy. That persistent heaviness in the veins results in them hanging down further and further the longer the spleen remains deficient. One way the Spleen becomes deficient is by excessive worrying, consuming cold foods, and cold drinks, and excessive amounts of raw wet foods like lettuce salads.



Massage lightly do not press on a vein, especially if it is painful,  always consult your health practitioner



Press st 36 to restore blood flow


Dr. Ni shares: In my clinical practice, I have had success using acupuncture with electrical stimulation along the vein to help restore valve function. But you can use acupressure to help yourself.

Find the acupoint Foot Three Mile (St 36), located four finger-widths below the kneecap on the right leg. Apply moderate pressure with your thumb until you feel soreness. Hold for 5 minutes. Repeat on the left leg.



Spleen 6 

acupunture poit for SP6 location

Sp-6 diagram location


Find the acupoint Three Yin Crossing (Sp 6). It’s located four finger-widths above the inner anklebone, in the depression near the bone, on the right leg. Apply steady pressure( steady not hard) with your thumb until you feel soreness. Hold for 3 minutes. Repeat on the left leg.

Other acupuncture points on the leg such as the one called “sea of blood”, Spleen 10, is used to increase circulation of blood when it is suspected of being “stuck” as in blood stasis. Dr. Ni, a licensed acupuncture physician, recommends electro-acupuncture alongside the varicose vein to enhance vein valve restoration.

Exercising every day keeps the varicose veins away

Dr. Ni also recommends specific lower-leg exercises to keep the muscles and veins strong. Swimming and biking (a stationary bike also works) are effective ways to strengthen your leg muscles without putting weight on your legs. Try to fit in at least 30 minutes a day, taking walks for at least half an hour. Also, a morning daily stretching program can help.

Veins must rely on the expansion and contraction of surrounding muscles to push returning blood along.

One sure way to exacerbate this is by standing for long hours in one spot without much movement of the lower limbs. This can increase pressure in the legs up to 10 times!

Immortal Straightening the Leg:


This is a Dao In qigong exercise that I recommend to my patients. When performed for 10 minutes twice a day, it helps strengthen the muscles and promote blood circulation in your legs.

  1. Lying on your back with your legs straight, feet apart and arms straight alongside the body with palms turned up.
  2. Inhale and bend your left knee, folding your left leg into your chest. Interlace and clasp your fingers around the leg. Keep the rest of your body relaxed with your head on the floor.
  3. Exhale and make a circle with your foot at your ankle. Do this 5 times clockwise and 5 times counterclockwise.
  4. Inhale and straighten your knee so your leg is straight up, perpendicular to the floor.
  5. Exhale and slowly lower your straight leg to the floor, returning to the beginning posture.
  6. Repeat with your right leg.


Herbal recommendations for varicose veins

Another strategy is to target the local varicose veins with topical and oral herbal therapy to help reduce the swelling and discoloration of the veins.

  • Witch hazel used topically is a traditional remedy. Massage witch hazel cream twice a day into the affected area, which can help reduce the expression of spider and varicose veins.
  • The herb horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is helpful in reducing varicose veins. Available in capsule form, a typical dosage of horse chestnut is up to 600 mg daily, but I recommend you consult your acupuncturist for a more precise dosage.
  • Hawthorn berry helps tone the cardiovascular system. Boil 1 cup of hawthorn berries in 4 cups of water for 20 minutes, then strain and drink 3 cups a day for one month.
  • You can also find tea bags with hawthorn berry in it, all ready for the teacup. Internal Cleanse is an herbal tea blend, including hawthorn, which is formulated to help cleanse and purify the body.
  • Grapeseed extract contains bioflavonoids called procyanidolic oligomers (PCOs), which are the most powerful natural antioxidants and free radical scavengers ever found. These PCOs benefit the circulatory system by enhancing capillary and vein function, which helps the heart; they also reduce bruising, edema from injury or trauma, varicose veins, and leg swelling. The only practical way to obtain enough grapeseed is by taking in a supplement.

Dietary tips for varicose veins


Buckwheat contains the bioflavonoid RutinRutin reduces capillary fragility, increases the integrity of the venous wall, inhibits the breakdown of the compounds composing the ground substance, and increases the muscular tone of the vein.

Consume a high-fiber diet

-Increase consumption of blue-red berries such as blackberries, cherries, and blueberries. These berries strengthen and support the structures of veins as well as the vascular system as a whole. They are rich in Rutin, as described under buckwheat above, proanthocyanidins and anthocyanidins. which are flavonoid compounds.

-Consume onions, ginger, and cayenne frequently and liberally because they can help fibrin to break down. A decreased ability to break down fibrin, a protein involved in blood clotting and scar formation, causes increased depositing of near varicose veins. This results in a condition called lipodermatosclerosis, where the skin becomes hard and lumpy.

Nutritional supplements

-Vitamin C: The healthy production of collagen, the most abundant protein in the body that forms all types of tissues in the body, is necessary for the production of blood vessels as well. Vitamin C strengthens the collagen structures of the veins. Another side benefit of Vitamin C is that it inhibits platelet aggregation, and regenerates oxidized vitamin E, enabling it to resume its protective activities.

Bioflavonoids: If one cannot get enough of the bioflavonoids from the foods mentioned above, supplementation is important, particularly with the anthocyanosides (the blue-red pigments found in berries). This pigment enhances the effects of vitamin C, stabilizes the collagen matrix by preventing free-radical damage, inhibiting enzymes from cleaving the collagen matrix, and directly cross-linking with collagen fibers to form a more stable collagen matrix, and increases the muscular tone of the vein.

Fish Oils: Fish oils have blood thinning effects, improving circulation and reducing the pain caused by varicose veins.




from: https://www.truthinaging.com/review/rutin-is-a-treatment-for-broken-veins

First of all, what is rutin? It is a flavonoid that is found in some fruits and vegetables and, in particular, the rind of citrus fruit.  Flavonoids are multi-active components used in common cosmetics primarily for antioxidant and soothing actions. However, they also have a “strengthening” effect on blood vessel walls.

Spider veins and varicose veins occur as a result of the gradual weakening and deterioration of capillaries. which, being so small, are extremely susceptible to damage from free-radical assault. This can lead to rupturing and bleeding that is visible as “broken veins” on the surface of the skin.

How rutin works on blood vessels is complex. According to a Polish scientist, there are three main mechanisms: protection of the blood vessel, the prevention of platelets from aggregating and decrease in capillary permeability (source).

There’s another mechanism that I find pretty cool. Rutin has the capacity to regenerate vitamin C after it neutralizes a free radical, thus helping to restore its antioxidant potential. Because vitamin C plays a critical role in the manufacture of collagen, an important component of capillary walls as well skin.

Rutin may even work on varicose veins (enlarged, twisted veins that are not moving blood effectively), according to the University of Maryland. In particular, there are oxerutins, a group of chemicals in rutin, that have been studied on women with varicose veins in their legs.

Given how amazing Rutin is and that it may really be one of the few things that work for broken veins, it’s frustrating that it isn’t used in more skincare products. Perhaps, we can help change that… Altogether now! Let’s start rooting for Rutin!


Herbal medicinals

Certain herbs are known as having venotonic activity. Venotonics are herbs that enhance the structure, function, and tone of veins. Further, according to the Chinese energetics, some of these herbs help to tonify and the yang energy in the body. The most widely used of the herbs below are grape seed and pine bark, and they are possibly most effective. Some prominent herbal tonics include:

-Aesculus hippocastanum (horse chestnut)

-Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry):

-Vitis vinifera (grape seed)

-Pinus maritima (pine bark)




According to Dr. Paul Nassif from EPION Beverly Hills


Laser vein therapy is a revolutionary medical technique which uses patented technology to eliminate benign vascular and pigmented lesions non-invasively from the face and body. Facial Spider Vein Treatment is one of the more cutting edge treatments currently available. At Epione, we strive continuously to offer the most cutting edge techniques available to patients for medical treatment.

The principle procedure is that a laser penetrates the facial skin to raise the temperature of the blood vessel and safely coagulate it. Over time the vessel in the face fades and slowly disappears. It is highly recommended that large to mid-size veins be treated with an injection, and small to mid-size veins be treated by lasers.
Alternatives to Facial Spider Vein Treatment would be Sclerotherapy, which is an injection of sclerosing solution.

For more information on Dr. Nassif expert treatments and Discount coupons go to :



Homemade Recipes For Spider Veins

from http://www.findhomeremedy.com


The vitamin C present in oranges is very crucial in the treatment of spider veins. Vitamin C is required to strengthen the blood vessels and improve the circulation of blood. It is also an excellent antioxidant which protects the tissues from damage. Eat oranges on a regular basis.



Castor Oil



Castor oil has anti-inflammatory and stimulating properties. It stimulates the blood circulation and increases the flow of blood to the blood-starved tissues. It prevents the blood from clotting in the veins and reduces their swelling. Massage the affected areas with warm castor oil twice a day.guava



Eating guavas can improve spider veins considerably. Guava is rich in vitamin C which is essential for the strength of the blood vessels and it has large quantities of vitamin K which improves blood flow to the tissues and prevents discoloration.

It also contains lycopene which is an antioxidant that protects the cells and tissues from toxic damage. Eat guavas as much as you can to strengthen the capillaries and veins and to improve the blood flow. If the circulation of the blood increases, it will not stagnate in the blood vessels and cause further harm.apple

Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is the most common home remedy for spider veins. It improves the appearance of the veins by reducing the swelling and increasing the blood circulation to the affected areas.

Soak a clean cloth in apple cider vinegar and apply as a compress on the spider veins. Keep the compress for half an hour. Repeat this twice a day until the veins regain their normal appearance.Mustard-Oil

Mustard Oil


Mustard oil is very good in stimulating the blood circulation and in strengthening the valves. Massage twice a day all the affected areas. You will notice a difference in the spider veins very soon.



How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins : Circulation Part 2 : Home Remedies – VitaLife Show













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