The unlimited uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin and Health



Apple cider vinegar and flowers 9-20-14

On week 198 we are sharing the facts and unlimited usage of VINEGAR, for centuries fermentation has been used in many cultures, and it continues to do so. I grew up with foods being fermented by my mother or the Nana, both of them taught me the bast value of  fermentation. Here, we wish to share it, so you and your family can benefit from it, Our family uses Vinegar from food to hair, skincare pets, to repel insects and so much more.

For centuries, apple cider vinegar has been used for many purposes: cleaning, polishing, cooking, salad dressings, skin and hair treatments and to relive wellbeing challanges and many more uses.

Whether your kitchen cupboard is graced with the most elegant wine vinegar or cheap and cheerful malt, the chances are that somewhere in the house you will have a bottle of these precious product.

At the heart of even the most fancy variants is a simple enough compound: Acetic Acid. Officially called ethanoic acid, with the formula CH3CO2H, the acid is the result of oxidizing ethanol, the alcohol in intoxicating  alcohol drinks.

Leave a bottle of wine of any kind exposed to the atmosphere and within a few days it will have taken on a sharp and sour taste as more and more of the alcohol is turned to this weak acid by acetic acid bacteria and it works like a magic act every time. These species are common in the air and come in a range of genera from Acetobacter to Acidiphilium, but all with the distinct urge to oxidise ethanol to gain energy.


In its familiar domestic form (food use), vinegar is typically only around five per cent acetic acid by volume with most of the rest water, plus traces of other compounds.

For industrial use, acetic acid was originally derived from vinegars, but since the early twentieth century it has largely been produced from wood or, most recently, by reacting methanol and carbon monoxide over a catalyst.

According to:

Most of the acetic acid produced this way is not destined for our vinegar bottles, which retain the old ‘fermentation’ methods from alcoholic drinks, but rather as a raw material in the production of three broad types of compound. The largest proportion goes to the manufacture of vinyl acetate monomer, itself a starting point for the polymer polyvinyl acetate or PVA, familiar to many people through its wide use as a glue. Another significant chunk of the over 6 million tons produced each year is used to form acetic anhydride, a step in the production of cellulose acetate, used in coatings and photographic films. Much of the rest will either act as a solvent or be used in the production of esters for inks and paints.

In its vinegar form, acetic acid makes its way into all areas of catering. Vinegar’s partnering with salt when associated with chips is legendary in the UK at least, in some parts of which it is also an essential additive to mushy peas, modifying the gluey pea juice to a more palatable and zesty mix. By extension, vinegar makes its way into flavouring for crisps (or potato chips) and is a major component of bottled sauces.

You are also likely to find vinegar in your store cupboard acting as a preservative. While brine can be used in pickling, the most popular approach for picking vegetables is to use vinegar, which ironically, given its bacterial origins, has the role of killing bacteria to preserve otherwise perishable food

Apple cider vinegar is a product of double fermentation. This is a process in which sugars in a food are broken down by bacterias and yeast. In the first stage of fermentation, the sugars are generally turned into alcohol. The word vinegar originates from the French, meaning “Sour Wine”, Vinegar can be made from all sorts of products, like fruits, vegetables and grains – Apple Cider vinegar comes from apple scraps or pulverized apples.


You probably seen it in the supermarkets, the bottles containing a cloudy sediment at the bottom. These sediments are known as the “ Mother of Vinegar “ and are mostly composed of benefitial bacteria from acetic acid. The main ingredient in apple cider vinegar, or any vinegar is acetic acid, part citric, malic and lactic acids.


Acetic acid

At the heart of even the most fancy variants is a simple enough compound: acetic acid. Officially called ethanoic acid, with the formula CH3CO2H, the acid is the result of oxidizing ethanol, the alcohol in intoxicating drinks. Leave a bottle of wine exposed to the atmosphere and within a few days it will have taken on a sharp-sour taste as more and more of the alcohol is turned to this weak acid by acetic acid bacteria. These species are common in the air and come in a range of genera from Acetobacter to Acidiphilium, but all with the distinct urge to oxidize ethanol to gain energy.

Pure acetic acid is a clear liquid which in the lab is usually called ‘glacial’, a term that refers to its tendency to produce crystals that resemble ice at a low room temperature. In its familiar domestic form, vinegar is typically only around five per cent acetic acid by volume with most of the rest water, plus traces of other compounds. Vinegar can be as clear as the original acid, but often has the colourings from its source, the wine, for example, in wine vinegar.


Citric Acid


Citric acid is a weak organic acid found in citrus fruits.

It is a natural preservative and is also used to add an acidic (sour) taste to foods and soft drinks. In biochemistry, it is important as an intermediate in the citric acid cycle and therefore occurs in the metabolism of almost all living things. It also serves as an environmentally benign cleaning agent and acts as an antioxidant. Citric acid exists in a variety of fruits and vegetables, but it is most concentrated in lemons and limes, where it can comprise as much as 8 percent of the dry weight of the fruit.


Malic Acid


Malic acid is a component of many of the foods that we eat daily. Although it is found as a naturally occurring organic compound in various fruits, many choose to take malic acid supplements to increase their overall health, as well as treat various maladies. Today, the acid is most commonly used as a food additive and preservative. It is a mild and relatively harmless acid when used in appropriate amounts. As a food supplement, it is generally considered beneficial for health and is present in large amounts in apple juices. As when taking any supplement, however, you should not exceed the recommended amounts for consumption.


Lactic acid


Lactic acid is an organic compound with the formula CH3CH(OH)CO2H. It is a white, water-soluble solid or clear liquid that is produced both naturally and synthetically. With a hydroxyl group adjacent to the carboxyl group, lactic acid is classified as an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). In the form of its conjugate base called lactate, it plays a role in several biochemical processes.

Lactic acid is found primarily in sour milk products, such as koumiss, laban, yogurt, kefir, some cottage cheeses, and kombucha. The casein in fermented milk is coagulated (curdled) by lactic acid. Lactic acid is also responsible for the sour flavor of sourdough breads.

Vinegars can be made from almost any fermentable carbohydrate source, including wine, molasses, dates, sorghum, apples, pears, grapes, berries, melons, coconut, honey, beer, maple syrup, potatoes, beets, malt, grains, and whey to mention a few.

The use of vinegar with a variety of plants or essential oils for cosmetic purposes can be traced back to the Romans and was fashionable during the 19th century as vinegar de toilette.

Vinegar as Skincare

Read more:

Hippocrates know as the father of modern medicine, used apple cider vinegar as a health tonic.

Christopher Columbus sailed with 55 gal. drums aboard his ships to fight scurvy.

Apple Cider vinegar is said to speed up metabolism and found that vinegar also burns fat faster.


acid alkaline

Alkaline Acid Balance – Despite being an acidic solution, apple cider vinegar has an alkalinizing effect on the body.

Some alternative practitioners recommend using apple cider vinegar to restore alkaline acid balance. The theory behind the alkaline diet is that our blood is slightly alkaline (with a normal pH level of between 7.35 and 7.45) and that our diet should reflect this pH level. Proponents of the alkaline-acid theory believe that a diet high in acid-producing foods leads to lack of energy, excessive mucous production, infections, anxiety, irritability, headache, sore throat, nasal and sinus congestion, allergic reactions, and increased risk of conditions such as arthritis and gout.

Despite being an acidic solution, some proponents of apple cider vinegar believe it has an alkalinizing effect on the body. As such, they recommend one to two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water as a daily health tonic.



Acetic Acid inhibits the activity of several carbohydrate- digesting enzymes, including amylase, sucrase, maltase, and lactase. As a result, when vinegar is present in the intestines, some sugars and starches temporarily pass through without being digested, so they have less impact on blood sugar.

  • improves insulin sensitivity during a high-carb meal by 19-34% and significantly lowers blood glucose and insulin responses.
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bedtime can reduce fasting blood sugars by 4%
  • Numerous other studies show that vinegar can increase insulin sensitivity and significantly lower blood sugar responses during meals.


More mother vinegar 9-2-14

Make sure you get the raw Apple Cider vinegar to get the most benefits from it. Apple Cider vinegar which is unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized with plenty of the MOTHER VINEGAR. The mother is made up of living nutrients and bacteria. This is were most of the health benefits come from. It doesn’t have a great look, but is the the most nutritious and has many of the bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

The ingredients of raw Apple Cider vinegar: potassium, pectin, malic acid,acetic acid, and ash ( ash creates alkalinity in the vinegar and helps maintaining a healthy alkaline state)


great skin for tittle 9-1-14

Apple Cider vinegar for the Skin: Dr Frank Lipman great site to visit

According to

There are several key attributes to ACV for maintaining beautiful skin, and exfoliation is one of them. Exfoliating is a key element for keeping youthful healthy skin. There are several ways to exfoliate, and one of them is by “digesting” dead skin cells, which the acids in ACV do. This mild cell turnover is widely used as a skin treatment to improve, soften, and smooth skin texture. The new skin layer, once revealed, is more vibrant, youthful, and healthy.

With a pH similar to skin, AVC helps restore and balance your skin’s pH and acid mantle. This too is key to healthy, beautiful skin. The acid mantle is the combination of sebum (oil) and perspiration on the skin’s surface. This barrier protects the skin and makes it less vulnerable to environmental damage (smog, sun and wind), less prone to dehydration, and also inhibits the growth of foreign bacteria and fungi (enabling skin to be healthier and have fewer breakout and blemishes. Acne, allergies and other skin problems become more severe as the skin becomes more alkaline).”Mild” soaps are often alkaline (pH 9.5-11), and remove the natural acid protection as well as extract protective lipids (fats) from the skin. Washing with soap can increase this alkaline state and make the skin even more vulnerable to irritation and infection. Most people are cleansing with products that are breaking down their acid mantle and causing increased skin issues. Balancing your pH is an imperative part of maintaining healthy skin.


Hair after apple cider vinegar 9-20-14


14  Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:


Tame tummy troubles.

The pectin content in ACV helps treat diarrhea by forming bulk fibrous matter. The pectin also forms a protective coat for soothing the colon lining and intestinal spasms. Try mixing one or two tablespoons into water, or clear juice like apple juice.

Prevent indigestion.

Sip before eating, especially if you know you’re going to indulge in foods that cause indigestion. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and drink it 30 minutes before you dine.

Help clear a stuffy nose.

Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink. This helps sinus drainage.

Help for hiccups.

Since hiccups are often caused by either low stomach acid slowing the digestion of protein, or eating too much…ACV can be a great solution for hiccups. It restores the acid balance in the stomach and eases irritating spasms of the diaphragm.

Soothe a sore throat.

As soon as you feel the prickle of a sore throat, take some ACV to help head off the infection at the pass. Turns out, most germs can’t survive in the acidic environment vinegar creates. Just mix ¼ cup apple cider vinegar with ¼ cup warm water and gargle every hour or so.

Reduce swelling.

Rubbing apple cider vinegar onto swollen hands or feet reduces swelling. A wonderful thing during pregnancy!

Extinguish exhaustion.

Exercise and sometimes extreme stress cause lactic acid to build up in the body, causing fatigue. Apple cider vinegar contains potassium and enzymes that may relieve that tired feeling. Next time you’re feeling beat, add a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to a glass of chilled vegetable drink or to a glass of water.

Relieve nighttime leg cramps.

ACV taken diluted in water twice daily, will dissolve acid crystals in the blood and provide potassium, calcium and other essential minerals to the body needed to ease the leg cramps.

Banish bad breath.

Due to its acidic properties, Apple Cider Vinegar makes a wonderful remedy for bad breath or halitosis. Simply add 1/2 tablespoon of ACV into a cup of water and gargle the mixture in your mouth for 10 seconds at a time until the cup is empty.

Fight yeast infections.

One of the best home remedies to treat a yeast infection is Apple Cider Vinegar. Add 1 and a half cups of ACV into a bathtub filled with warm water, and then soak in it for about 20 minutes. This should be done once a day for the first 3 days of the infection

Foot or skin fungus.

Just as ACV can help kill Candida in the body, it is often useful against yeast and fungus on the skin and nails. If you have foot or toe fungus, soak the feet in 1 cup of ACV in water or apply directly to the affected area. For skin fungus or yeast, apply ACV directly. For children or those with sensitive skin, it is best to dilute the ACV with water before applying to the skin.

Control blood sugars.

The anti-glycemic effects of apple cider vinegar help to improve insulin sensitivity, which is essential to maintain the sugar levels of blood. Mix one teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of filtered water and take 3 times a day to steady your stomach’s rate of digestion which in turn will keep blood sugar levels more consistent. If you are diabetic, consult your physician.

Boost weight loss.

Many people claim that Apple Cider Vinegar promotes weight loss by speeding up the metabolism. A suggested remedy is to mix 2 teaspoons of the vinegar into a glass of water and drink this before every meal or sip it slowly throughout the day

Lower blood cholesterol.

Research has indicated that apple cider vinegar improves the lipid profile of blood by decreasing the levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) or bad cholesterol, as also by increasing the levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) or good cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol, consult your physician.






Weight Loss

Another major apple cider vinegar benefit is weight loss. Although no one is sure how it works, it has helped many people lose weight. Click on the Weight Loss section to find out what the experts recommend as far as how much to take and how often, and the latest theories on why it works.


Cooking with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an amazingly versatile cooking ingredient. It adds a tangy taste to many drinks and deepens the flavors of numerous foods. Its important to note that vinegar is a major ingredient in most condiments. Mayonnaise and tomato ketchup account for more than 10% of the vinegar production in America.

Staffordshire terrier puppy and gray cat. Isolated on white background


Pet care

 Ear Care Product

Unfortunately a large percentage of dog and cat visits to the veterinarian are for ear problems, but the good news is, you can help reduce these visits by cleaning your pet’s ears on a regular weekly basis.

An inexpensive way to do this is to dip a soft cotton ball into a solution of equal parts apple cider vinegar and water, and use it to swab the inside of his or her ear.

For an infected ear, use 5 ml of the 50:50 vinegar water solution per 20 lbs (9 kg) of body weight, applying the solution with a syringe obtained from your local pharmacy. Gently rub in the solution then wipe the inside of the ear with a soft cotton ball. This should be done daily for 5 days.

The vinegar helps to control the growth of unfriendly bacteria and other microorganisms that are a common cause of ear infections, and as a result, this will help keep your pets from scratching their ears.


Fleas and Ticks

Rather than use commercial sprays, powders, pills or collars that use very toxic chemicals to kill fleas and ticks, many people prefer to take a more natural holistic approach. According to Martin Goldstein, DVM, some of these products could also be harmful to your pets.

As an alternative, Roger DeHaan, DVM, suggests using a homemade shampoo and rinse that kills fleas and at the same time soothes irritated skin:

Add to an 8-ounce bottle of your favorite pet shampoo, 10 drops of tea tree oil and one tablespoon (15 ml) of aloe vera and shake well.

Shampoo your pet as you would normally then wait for 6-10 minutes.

Rinse with apple cider vinegar diluted in water. (1 tablespoon ACV to 1 pint of water)

For minor flea infestations, another recommendation involves washing your pet with a gentle shampoo, followed by a thorough rinse then spraying on apple cider vinegar diluted with an equal amount of warm water. Allow the pet to drip or shake dry.

The fleas will drown in the soapy shampoo water and the vinegar rinse will acidify your pet’s skin making it very unattractive to other fleas and ticks.


Relief for skin problems

Apply unpasteurized apple cider vinegar with the aid of a soft cotton ball, directly to burns or skin acne to soothe and promote healing.

For dry itchy skin, hot spots, or skin infections you can bathe your pet in warm water then rinse him or her with a solution of 1 part ACV to 3 parts water. This vinegar rinse will also leave their coats soft and shiny.


Apple juice


Beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar


In its raw form, apple cider vinegar alkalises your system, promotes healthy digestion and encourages the growth of healthy bacteria in your body. It also helps promote cellular cleansing.

In her book, The Beauty Detox Foods, celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snider (her clients include Drew Barrymore, The Black Eyed Peas’ Fergie, Channing Tatum, Teresa Palmer and Vince Vaughan), to name only a few, says, “Raw apple cider vinegar is high in minerals and potassium … it has antiseptic qualities and can help cleanse your digestive tract, promoting bowel movements.”

Because of this, it is thought to help clear away congestion, blemishes and acne.

“I have noticed a definite link between constipation and acne in my clients,” says Kimberly. “Raw apple cider vinegar is a strong digestive aid, helping to cure constipation and stimulating stomach acid, which aids in digestion. Its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties are of further benefit in dealing with candida and yeast issues.”

It is indeed one of nature’s most powerful beauty ingredients. Kimberly warns that you must ensure you use raw and unfiltered, which implies that it is still unpasteurised and contains its original enzymes. She advises to sprinkle it over salads in place of your regular dressing, or to dilute a tablespoon in a glass of water about 20 minutes prior to eating.

You can use it topically, too. It brightens the skin, adds gloss to your hair and can even lift away stains from your nails. Here are a few handy hints!

–    Use apple cider vinegar in place of your regular toner. Drench a cotton wool ball with water first, and then dip it in the vinegar. Sweep it lightly over your face and throat, avoiding the eyes. It will promote clarity of complexion, diminish discoloration and age spots and help to clear away pimples.

–    Use it as a final rinse through your hair after washing and conditioning. Leave it on for half an hour, then rinse away to lift the smell, but leave mega-watt shine. It’s also thought to relieve dandruff, when applied straight to the scalp.

–    Soak stained fingernails in a bowl of pure apple cider vinegar for twenty minutes. Rinse, and massage a small amount of olive oil into each nail bed. Likewise, swish a mouthful of it between your teeth to promote a healthy oral environment and also assist in lifting away mild stains on your teeth.

–    Apple cider vinegar has really powerful astringent, toning properties. Because of this, it’s thought to be effective on cellulite. As part of your cellulite plan, which should include a well-balanced diet and plenty of exercise, try soaking in a warm bath with a cup of apple cider vinegar added.




Why You Should Wash Your Face With Apple Cider Vinegar


ACV for Age Spots

ACV contains powerful alpha hydroxy acids to help remove dead skin cells and reveal a fresher and healthier complexion underneath them. Many expensive commercial face washes bang on about the tiny amounts of alpha hydroxy acids they’ve added to their products, but ACV is full of far higher levels, of which are alive and ready to revive your skin. The ‘natural’ ingredients in commercial face products are actually dead and useless by the time they are processed and bottled up.

When you use ACV for age spots, apply a little undiluted ACV directly onto the age spots with a cotton wool bud and leave for about 20-30 minutes once or twice a day before rinsing of. Do it for about 6 weeks to see if you notice any improvement.

Before you use ACV all over your face, it is advisable to test it on a small area of your face. Under the chin is a good spot, just in case you do get a reaction, then it’s not too noticeable!

To apply ACV to your skin, simply use a cotton bud and gently glide over skin to remove make-up, oil and impurities. Be careful not to get it in your eyes!. If you are suffering from a breakout, then be warned it will sting your pimples. However, this should feel like a ‘good’ hurt, and not be intolerable.

When you use AVC for the first time, after 5 minutes, it is a good idea to rinse it off with warm water. This is just so your skin isn’t too exposed to ACV on your first time. If you don’t get a reaction, then the next time you use it, don’t wash it off, and then you can build up your skin’s tolerance. It is best to apply the ACV toner at night as ACV can increase sensitivity to ultra-violet rays.

Don’t leave your body out. ACV isn’t just for your beautiful face. If you suffer from acne on your back, you are not alone. Fortunately, ACV is wonderful for treating acne on the back too. If you’re worried about how you’re going to apply it, then just use a spray bottle.


More Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar 


Hair rinse: Apple cider vinegar gets rid of residue build-up on hair, leaving it soft and shiny. Mix ¼ cup apple cider vinegar with 2 cups water. Apply after shampooing.

Dandruff:  Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar to 3 parts warm water, apply to scalp. Use a hair toner/dye bottle or any bottle that has a pointy tip that will allow you to get the liquid directly on your scalp.  

Deodorant: Since ACV helps adjust the skin’s pH level, it helps to eliminate odor-causing bacteria. For underarms use a cotton ball to apply, for feet: Add ½ cup ACV to a bowl of water; soak feet.

Acne: Mix 1 part ACV, and 3 parts Rooibos tea and apply to blemishes. You can add a drop of Tea Tree Oil or Oregano oil as well.

pH balancing toner: Mix 1 part ACV with 4 parts water for your base.

For acne/oily skin replace water with roobois tea.

For dry skin replace water with chamomile tea or cucumber-infused water (leave several slices of cucumber in the water overnight).

For aging skin replace water with green, black or white tea.


Skin perfecting mask


1 teaspoon deep sea mud
1 teaspoon rose water
¼ teaspoon ACV
1/8 teaspoon yogurt
1/16 teaspoon nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon kombucha


Mix all ingredients together. To balance the texture, you can add more mud or yogurt (to thicken) or kombucha or water (to thin). (If you cannot find deep sea mud or rose water locally you can either eliminate them from the mask replacing the mud with arrowroot and the rose water with plain water.

And last but not least, if you have achy, swollen hands and feet: Rub them with a little apple cider vinegar.


















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Fall and winter Skin Care, Tips and recipes


banner for winter-dry-skin-3

Hello and welcome to our blog on week 197 we are sharing Fall and winter Skin Care. We wish to thank you all for your consistent support. There are many blogs, but this one is ours and we thrive on doing excellent research and inviting authorities on subjects that we consider are a need to share. We often get asked why do we call it a Beauty blog when we talk about so many Holistic modalities that refer the whole person, that is Body, Mind and Spirit, so with that being said the answer is if we don’t address the whole individual we can hardly feel or look very pretty. That is the reason why millions and I will say it again, there are millions of Make up, hair and so called Beauty Blogs so we decided to go a route that for me personally is a way of life and so far works very well.

The dry air in winter, both indoors and out, with heaters and dry winds, takes a toll on skin, hair and nails. Also, long showers and many hand washes a day, before you know it, the skin is rough, flaky, dehydrated, and itchy. Sometimes it even cracks, and hurts. Your hands and face are the most exposed to the elements so they are the ones that deserve extra TLC in the winter. Keep skin healthy and moisturized, here are some TIPS to protect your skin.






Yes, you still need to exfoliate in winter as a matter of fact, you probably will take the time to pamper your self more in the colder months when is no so many outdoors activities.

Use a gentle scrub or an exfoliating ingredient like milk (lactic acid) or sugar or salt scrubs, bellow we are sharing a few recipes to remove  flaky excess skin cells. After exfoliating, generously apply  a nourishing mask and follow with a moisturizer; you’ve broken down your skin’s barrier and emollients can absorb better this way. To keep lips smooth, brush them a couple of times a week with a soft toothbrush or scrub gently with brown sugar scrub with I prefer you can make your own and we will share a few recipes.


Mask nourishing



Moisturize and Up up the Masks


Add moisture to your face, neck, hands, and and your whole body, I like  layering skincare I apply serum or oil then moisturizer and doing weekly hydrating masks. Many times I sleep with a gentle mask and Slather on a thick body butter , Coconut oil, or Shea Butter, the goal is to apply a Natural rich product after each shower or bath. And if your hands and feet have painful cracks, the best time to heal is overnight, you can do a mask on your feet and sleep with it on it, just place a pair of socks on it and Boila nice soft feet, I love to soak them first exfoliate and mask UHummmmm!. Apply a thick emollient  to your hands also and wear gloves  Is fabric Gloves that are specifically created for that so the moisture can absorb all night long.



Large woman-in-shower



Long showers and baths strip skin of its natural protective oils.Our skin secretes oily substances that prevent it from drying out as well as protect skin from bacteria and dirt getting in. Add some soap and skin’s oil barrier is stripped away in no time.

Limit time and the temperature of the water when taking a shower or bath limit the time to 15 minutes and go for warm water instead of hot water without those oils, the moisture in your skin easily escapes, leading to dry and itchy skin. The longer and hotter the shower, the faster this process takes place and the more moisture you’re likely to lose.. If you can’t live without a long soak, add a generous helping of coconut oil or the oil of your preference to the water and a healthy amount to your skin after you are done pat dry the skin avoid rubbing .

Apply the moisturizer, oil or Body butter when your skin still moist it will penetrate and  create a great protecting barrier

Switch to showering at night if possible so your body can replace its oils while you sleep, and here specially don’t use really hot water.

Also, consider a product that contains ceramides. Ceramides help protect and retain the needed moisture for your skin.

We tend to use the hottest water when washing dishes and those dish-washing detergents can be even harsher as they are designed to remove tough oily stains and solid fats. Using gloves is your best bet and a nice nourishing hand cream should always be at the sink. Went and dry specially with hot water will damage not only the skin on your hands but the nails contract and expand and they get dry and crackly.

Dermatologist Sandy Johnson, M.D., says the American Academy of Dermatology recommends limiting your baths and showers to no more than 10 minutes to avoid dehydrating your skin since hot water removes your skin’s natural oils.



Lots of soap shower




Avoid Harsh Soaps



Soap is drying to the skin and for most part very Alkaline, Skin need a

Ph on the acid side li 5 up to 6 is preferable, soap strips away the natural

oil barrier, and many are filled with harsh chemicals drying perfumes, and many ingredients that are not really compatible with the Skin health, I never use soap I use scrubs and an exfoliating pad like the Korean ones, they are sold all over the Internet .

Instead, try a mild, fragrance-free, non-soap cleanser, if you think that you really need to use soap, a soap that is on the healthy side, won’t show lots of lather like soaps and that is a great sign,



large body-butter of all kinds

Lets talk about Body Butters:



We already know that our skin is a living organ and the largest one in the body and absorbs what you rub on, so is important to use products that are quality and well researched so we don’t introduce harsh ingredients to it,

Body Butters contain emollients and rich ingredients that cover the skin in a blanket of pure moisture that ultimately lasts longer than any lotions, it acts as a barrier so it helps to trap harsh environment intruders, a great aid in Fall and Winter.

Do you know much about essential omega 3 fats? Body Butters contain this beneficial ingredient this fats are of great benefit to your body internally and externally, aside from moisturizing they help control inflammation, Body Butters also contain key antioxidants like vitamin

C,E, and A among many other great nutrients.

Body Butters are the most efficient when apply to cracked skin, eczema etc, great for chapped lips, cracked heels, lets not leave cuticles  out of the game,great to soften stretch marks, scars lets remember to use it after shaving also, in fall and winter I also use it as a make up remover.

The biggest difference between most body butter recipes and common creams and lotions recipes is that body butters are composed of mostly carrier oils and butters rather than the addition of an aqueous ingredient like water, hydrosols, aloe vera, etc.

Another great plus about Body Butters is that are very AFFORDABLE, and last a long time, in a dark container away from extreme temperature changes.

Two types of moisturizers are need it to maintain healthy skin: humectant and lubricant. Humectants reduce the amounts of lost moisture that the skin naturally goes through especially in Fall and winter. Aside the added bonus is that Body Butters luxurious to the touch.

The one point I like to make here is that by doing your own Body Butters you can add the fragrance of your choice and avoid synthetic,ones that can create great health hazards and they contribute to dehydration and possible allergies

Lets start with are recipes



Anti-bacterial Body Butter


Antibacterial body butter


2 tablespoons of Organic Sesame Oil

6 tablespoon of organic coca butter

15 drops of tea tree oil

and if you don’t like the smell of Tea Tree oil add some Lavender

In a glass container like Pyrex create a double boiler, by placing water in a pan and placing your Pyrex container,avoid from getting your ingredients to hot, place your cocoa butter and use enough heat just to melt the butter, once that is done remove from the heat and add the sesame oil and the essential, always avoid to boil any of the ingredients, when done mixing pour it to a sanitized dark container the mixture will solidify and you can proceed to store it in a cool dark place to preserve its life.



Orange Chocolate Whipped Body Butter


orange chcolate body mask


1/2 a cup of Coconut Oil

1/2 a cup Cocoa Butter

20 drops of Orange Essential Oil



-Melt the Cocoa Butter in a double boiler in a Pirex bowl.

Add in the Coconut Oil, stir well.

Add the orange essential oil, stir well.

Cover and allow to solidify.

Once it is solidified beat it with a hand mixer until fluffy.

Add the mixture to a sanitized jar preferably dark with a lid.

Store out of the sunlight in a cool dark place.

Use this as a shaving cream or as a prep before or during showering.



Paradise Tropical Body Butter (for dry skin)

tropical mango butter


Yields roughly 8 oz of whipped body butter

•1/2 cup Shea nut oil

•1/2 cup mango butter

•2 TBSP organic pomegranate seed oil

•1/2 oz Sandalwood essential oil

•1 tsp non GMO vitamin oil



Place shea nut oil, mango butter, and pomegranate seed oil into the top of a double boiler (a pyrex measuring bowl sitting above a pot of simmering water) make sure that it doesn’t boil use low heat.

Heat on medium and stir until all butters are melted together, leaving no chunks of butter behind. I like using a small silicon spatula.

Once melted, turn off heat and add in the essential oil when it has cool down and you can still mix, otherwise the essential oil will dissipate, and vitamin E oil.

Wait until it starts thickening, about 20-40 minutes., just leave it until it does.

Using a hand held mixer, whip up your oils and butters until you reach a nice consistency.

Once fluffy, scoop your whipped butter into sanitized containers preferably the kind that doesn’t allow light in, or place body butter in plastic bag, clip the corner, and squeeze into container of choice. You can find a number of different containers that will hold your body butter perfectly















Eminence Organics Cranberry Pomegranate Sugar Scrub

Eminence Organics Cranberry Pomegranate Sugar Scrub (8.4oz) works on multiple levels to improve the health and appearance of your skin. While gently exfoliating dead skin cells and other impurities, the powerful blend of botanicals infuses the skin with moisture, nutrients, antioxidants, anti-aging formulations, and brighteners to reveal a toned, even complexion with less wrinkles and a youthful glow.






Eminence Organics Chocolate Mousse Hydration Masque

The Eminence Organics Chocolate Mousse Hydration Masque (2oz) is a relaxing, sensory experience and hydrating facial treatment in one. You’ll love the way the decadent chocolate overwhelms your senses while delivering to your skin the deep-moisture and vital nutrients it needs to look gorgeous.






Eminence Organics Apricot Whip Moisturizer


Revitalizing, hydrating and refreshing, Eminence Organics Apricot Whip Moisturizer infuses the skin with moisture and nourishes the skin with vitamins and antioxidants for powerful hydrating and anti-aging effects.





Eminence Organics Mimosa Champagne Massage Oil


Eminence Organics Mimosa Champagne Massage Oil is a luxurious way to give your skin a health-enhancing, beautifying experience. With ingredients that shower the skin with moisture and infuse it with antioxidants and vitamins, you’ll love the way your skin looks and feels when you massage it in.






Vibrant Wedge Boot

Kick it up a notch in these must-have wedge boots. The Vibrant features an inside zipper and a stretchy back panel to ensure a comfortable fit. Pair with leggings and an oversized sweater to stay warm this fall. By CL by Laundry.






Racer Burnished Over The Knee Quilted Boot

Fabulous pull-on over the knee flat boot with quilted detail and a stretchy back panel for the perfect fit. The Racer looks great day or night. Pair with your favorite skinnies. By Chinese Laundry.





Five Star Pigment repair Alon Skin Care a must try.


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Company Story


Developed by a leading Plastic Surgeon for his wife when the existing products and hi-technology treatments made her skin worse, with over two decades of experience including research and development who is renowned for shattering stale paradigms in medicine.Alón serums are the result of his surprising findings as he dug deep into the science of existing skincare options.

Alón Labs was created to represent the new and emerging science in skin health. Most importantly, our journey since the summer of 2014 has borne remarkable results for users of the Alón product lines.




One of the fascinating observations in nature is that plants are exposed to massive amounts of sunlight over the course of decades, or even centuries showing no damage or “aging.”  We, on the other hand, are destined to pay dearly for every sun burn or unprotected exposure to sunlight with uneven pigment, dry skin, wrinkles, and even sun related skin cancers.  Why?

It turns out that plants have far more effective molecules for preventing penetration of unwanted wavelengths of sunlight.  They are also better at reving up mechanisms that repair injury from the rays that do penetrate.  What plants don’t do, however, is use glycolic acids, other peels, retinols, or a host of molecules popular in human skin care that would thin their outer layers, irritate the deeper layers, and allow more damaging rays to penetrate.  So why do we?

Until recently, we humans had little choice in how to atone for the sun damage we endured other than to use creams or treatments that:

Strip away the outer layers of skin (glycolic acid, other peels, microdermabrasion, etc.) in hopes of allowing the deeper layers to “heal” with a more vibrant new surface, or create irritation and inflammation (retinols, isotrentoins, azeleic acid, etc.), in the name of “healing,” or shut down our own sun defense systems that would otherwise create protective melanin pigment (hydroquinone, kojic acid, etc.).

If that doesn’t sound so wise to you, it doesn’t to us either. It’s no wonder that while we’re trying to treat our damaged skin with conventional methods, we actually become more sensitive to the sun and the outdoors becomes the enemy.  Now I don’t mean to sound trite, but how come those uneducated plants are so much smarter than we are?  Well, at least until now.

With all that said, lets take a look at the ingredients that make these products and why they are so well put together. In this tour you will be amazed how the ingredients function and how incredibly smart  is to place them together. I have studied and been a great fun of all of the components that Alon is sharing with us here, enjoy and give the products a try we love them and they work fast. Of course we are all different and our systems react at their own speed, I can assure you they work. What a great find, the company is offering 50% OFF  with coupon code ISABELSB through our blog, don’t miss this offer you will be so glad you tried the products.

Here we go with the ingredients :






Ascorbic Acid 



Vitamin C is a strong an–oxidant, pigment smoother, and promoter of -tissue growth.

Ascorbic acid (AA), commonly known as vitamin C, plays an important role in the human body

Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid is the most widely used of all the common used vitamins.It was discovered in 1928 most people had an idea of its existence earlier  in 1747. – Lime cured scurvy in British sailors with oranges and lemons.

Nobel Linus Pauling an American chemist held the theory that most of our health challenges are some how related by its deficiency, with that being said lets take a look at its impact.

Vitamin C ( Ascorbic Acid) is necessary for the production of Collagen, hormones and neurotransmitters. It is necessary for the synthesis of collagen, a protein that has many connective functions in the body. Among the substances and structures that contain collagen are bone, cartilage and the surrounding material, as well as carrier substances and materials of union muscle, skin and other tissues for healthy teeth, gums and blood vessels and much more; improves iron absorption and resistance to infection.

Among the substances and structures that contain collagen are bone, cartilage and the surrounding material, as well as carrier substances and materials of union muscle, skin and other tissues.

As an antioxidant reacts with histamine and peroxide for reducing inflammatory aids with bruising, wound healing, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant due to the fact that promotes the elimination of free radicals caused either from the body’s natural oxidation or those oxidants coming from aboard.

Ascorbic acid neutralizes oxygen when it comes into contact with it.





What is Caffeine?



•It is proven that a cup of hot coffee can help uplift your senses and refresh you. This quality of coffee can be attributed to the presence of caffeine, which is a central nervous stimulant.

•Caffeine is basically a bitter white crystalline alkaloid. It is a stimulant drug that is found in varying amounts in the seeds, leaves and fruits of some plants.

•It is widely consumed in the form of infusions extracted from seeds of the coffee plant and leaves of the tea bush.

•Other sources include edibles containing products derived from the kola nut.

•Caffeine is most commonly consumed in the form of tea, coffee, soft drinks and energy drinks.

Very strong anti-oxidant and promoter of cell injury repair.

Caffeine’s popularity in products related to cellulite is due to its distant relationship to aminophylline (a pharmaceutical once thought to reduce cellulite), which is a modified form of theophylline, and caffeine contains theophylline.

Did you know that coffee has surprising benefits for the skin?

The caffeine in the coffee is known to have good skin benefits such as reducing redness and inflammation, according to a 1981 Seoul National University study, notes Live Strong. In another study from the University of Tennessee in 1978, adding caffeine to anti-inflammatory creams increased its effectiveness as a skin caring agent.

Caffeine, when applied topically to the skin, constricts the blood vessels under the skin and help reduce swelling and depuff eyes. It is recommended to use eye cream that has caffeine as an active ingredient, notes Huffington Post.

The University of Washington in Seattle recently conducted a study in which they exposed healthy skin cells and UV damaged skin cells to caffeine. The caffeine caused the damaged cells to die while not hurting the healthy cells. This study was published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. This study didn’t allude to the fact that topically applied caffeine would work any better than ingested caffeine though.


Coffee can be used to Exfoliate the Skin

Repurpose coffee grounds by using it as an exfoliator. Rubbing the grounds

on your skin will remove dead skin cells and leave you with smoother skin.

Coffee Tightens the Skin

Caffeine is a known diuretic and can help cellulite when applied topically.

Coffee can help Brighten the Skin

The dark grinds of coffee beans can be used to brighten up dull skin.

Coffee Shines Hair

For people who have dark hair. You can have shiny hair by using coffee as treatment. This simple hair mask is cheap, simple, and leaves your hair smelling great like coffee.

Coffee Enhances Hair Color

For girls who want to enhance their dark hair without using any harsh dye chemicals, coffee is an effective color enhancer.The key is to use strong brewed coffee and letting it sit for a few minutes.

According to Alon labs


1) Caffeine is one of the strongest natural anti-oxidants.  It helps tip the balance in favor of anti-oxidation and suppresses free-radicals that cause cellular damage to the skin from sun-induced inflammation (Hadi, 2003).

2) Caffeine limits sun damage during UV exposure.  It inhibits UVB-induced formation of thymine dimers (molecular markers of genetic injury) and sunburn lesions in the skin (Nghiem et al, 2013).

3) Caffeine suppresses skin tumor formation.  Caffeine has been shown to reduce the risk of certain types of skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma and melanoma (Yale School of Public Health, 2014; Han 2012), and may cause early tumor cells to undergo programmed death (apoptosis) rather than going on to form skin cancer (Weinong, 2011).




Niacimide big


Also known as vitamin B3 and nicotinic acid, niacinamide is a potent cell-communicating ingredient that offers multiple benefits for aging skin. Vitamin B3, in its niacinamide (nicotinamide) form, has often been a vastly under-appreciated supplement. The most widely recognized form of B3, niacin — also known as nicotinic acid, nicotinate, and pyridone-3-carboxylic acid — has almost achieved acceptance by traditional medicine for its dramatic role in reducing cholesterol and improving the overall lipid profile. Until recently, the value of niacinamide was not so well recognized.

Although niacinamide shares some characteristics of niacin, it has unique nutritional and pharmacological properties of its own. The niacinamide form of B3 is literally required in hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the human bodyVitamin B3, in its niacinamide (nicotinamide) form, has often been a vastly under-appreciated supplement. The most widely recognized form of B3, niacin — also known as nicotinic acid, nicotinate, and pyridone-3-carboxylic acid — has almost achieved acceptance by traditional medicine for its dramatic role in reducing cholesterol and improving the overall lipid profile. Until recently, the value of niacinamide was not so well recognized.

Assuming skin is being protected from sun exposure, niacinamide can improve skin’s elasticity, dramatically enhance its barrier function, help erase discolorations, and revive skin’s healthy tone and texture.

Topically applied niacinamide has been shown to increase ceramide and free fatty acid levels in skin, prevent skin from losing water content, and stimulate microcirculation in the dermis. It also has a growing reputation for being able to treat an uneven skin tone and to mitigate acne and the red marks it leaves behind (known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation). Niacinamide, an excellent ingredient for those struggling with wrinkles and breakouts, is stable in the presence of heat and light.

Niacinamide is a powerhouse ingredient. It can help firm and reduce signs of aging, reduce hyperpigmentation, and prevent moisture loss.

Niacin is found in all cells where it plays an important role in cellular energy production. It’s present in greatest amounts in tissues that are more metabolically active like the brain, heart, liver and skeletal muscle. The body can only make small quantities of this vitamin, so it must come from food or specific supplement sources.

Nicotinamide has anti-inflammatory actions. These may be of benefit to patients with inflammatory skin conditions. These conditions include acne vulgaris, and the compound can suppress antigen-induced, lymphocytic transformation and inhibit 3′,5′-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase. Nicotinamide has demonstrated the ability to block the inflammatory actions of iodides known to precipitate or exacerbate inflammatory acne.

Niacinamide is a component of two related coenzymes—nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP). The principle function of these enzymes is to facilitate oxidation and reducing reactions in the form of dehydrogenases.





Big Urea molecule


Urea serves an important role in the metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds by animals, and is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals. It is colorless, odorless solid, highly soluble in water, and practically non-toxic (LD50 is 15 g/kg for rats). Dissolved in water, it is neither acidic nor alkaline. The body uses it in many processes, most notably nitrogen excretion.

Friedrich Wöhler’s discovery in 1828 that urea can be produced from inorganic starting materials was an important conceptual milestone in chemistry. It showed for the first time that a substance previously known only as a byproduct of life could be synthesized in the laboratory without biological starting materials, contradicting the widely held doctrine of vitalism.

Urea was first discovered in urine in 1727 by the Dutch scientist Herman Boerhaave, though this discovery is often attributed to the French chemist Hilaire Rouelle.

In 1828, the German chemist Friedrich Wöhler obtained urea artificially by treating silver cyanate with ammonium chloride.


AgNCO + NH4Cl → (NH2)2CO + AgCl



Amino acids from ingested food that are not used for the synthesis of proteins and other biological substances — or produced from catabolism of muscle protein — are oxidized by the body, yielding urea and carbon dioxide, as an alternative source of energy. The oxidation pathway starts with the removal of the amino group by a transaminase; the amino group is then fed into the urea cycle. The first step in the conversion of amino acids from protein into metabolic waste in the liver is removal of the alpha-amino nitrogen, which results in ammonia. Because ammonia is toxic, it is excreted immediately by fish, converted into uric acid by birds, and converted into urea by mammals.

Ammonia (NH3) is a common byproduct of the metabolism of nitrogenous compounds. Ammonia is smaller, more volatile and more mobile than urea. If allowed to accumulate, ammonia would raise the pH in cells to toxic levels. Therefore, many organisms convert ammonia to urea, even though this synthesis has a net energy cost. Being practically neutral and highly soluble in water, urea is a safe vehicle for the body to transport and excrete excess nitrogen.

Urea is synthesized in the body of many organisms as part of the urea cycle, either from the oxidation of amino acids or from ammonia. In this cycle, amino groups donated by ammonia and L-aspartate are converted to urea, while L-ornithine, citrulline, L-argininosuccinate, and L-arginine act as intermediates. Urea production occurs in the liver and is regulated by N-acetylglutamate. Urea is then dissolved into the blood (in the reference range of 2.5 to 6.7 mmol/liter) and further transported and excreted by the kidney as a component of urine. In addition, a small amount of urea is excreted (along with sodium chloride and water) in sweat.

Urea can in principle serve as a hydrogen source for subsequent power generation in fuel cells.

Urea-containing creams are used as topical dermatological products to promote rehydration of the skin. Urea 40% is indicated for psoriasis, xerosis, onychomycosis, ichthyosis, eczema, keratosis, keratoderma, corns, and calluses. If covered by an occlusive dressing, 40% urea preparations may also be used for nonsurgical debridement of nails. Urea 40% “dissolves the intercellular matrix” of the nail plate. Only diseased or dystrophic nails are removed, as there is no effect on healthy portions of the nail. This drug is also used as an earwax removal aid.


Urea for Skin Uses

water and skin



There are two types of Urea used in the skin care industry.

This article looks at Hydroxyethyl Urea, which is a humectant, Diazolidinyl Urea is a preservative

So lets take a closer look at the benefits and qualities of Urea:

Urea is a very interesting humectant

It is a natural component of our skin’s tissues and makes up to around 7% of our natural moisturising factor.

Lets start with its role within the stratum corneum (the outer layer of skin), is basically to maintain a healthy moisture balance, keeping the skin soft and supple.

It is extremely hydrating and moisturizing



Urea is known as substance that readily absorbs water, it also has a really  high water content, which helps to reduce the amount of water we loose through the skin.

On the molecular level, Urea modifies the structure of amino chains and polypeptides within the skin, which is important for helping to keep moisturizing the delicate tissue.

Large amounts of research has found, a direct correlation between water content and the amino acid content of our skin, basically the more dehydrated and dry the skin is, the lower its share of dissolved amino acids.


Improves Barrier Function

One of the many benefits Urea’s, is that it helps to accelerate the skins cellular renewal process.

The really great thing about this, is that it strengthens the barrier function of the skin, helping to keep it healthy and pliable.


Natural Exfoliant

Urea works in synergy with other components, that create the molecular structure of the skin, such as Lactic Acid.

When, these two ingredients are combined they actively work to remove dead skin cells and substances from the horny layer, improving cellular turnover in the epidermis.

This helps to dramatically improve the water binding ability of the skin.


Mild Anaesthetic

Urea has another interesting profile, it can create a local anesthetic effect within the skin.helping to curtail cycles of itching, irritation, and flare-ups. It may also be used in helping remove dead tissue to speed wound healing because it can improve the capacity of the epidermal barrier to regenerate.

This is really useful in helping to reduce cycles of inflammation and flare-ups, making it my product of choice for sensitive skin conditions.


Wound healing

It is also told that Urea can help to speed up the wound healing process, by encouraging cellular renewal.



Many studies have found, one of Urea’s key roles, is to increase the skin permeability of certain skin care ingredients, basically working as a vehicle for other performance ingredients, encouraging them to penetrate the epidermis easily.


Natural Moisturizer

Very often a dry skin is due to a reduction of Urea in the skins delicate tissues, which can lead to tightness and flakiness.

Because of Urea’s natural moisturising factor, it can offer instant relief to dry skin.

I personally have seen some really great results from Urea, on clients who suffer from extremely dry, cracked skin especially on the hands and feet.


Hydroxyethyl Urea is our hero ingredient in our daily moisture relief range, that has been specifically formulated with a dry skin in mind.


Urea is most often referred to as carbamide, the primary organic solid of urine, this is waste that has been produced by the body after it metabolises protein.Thankfully, the urea used in the cosmetic industry is from synthetic sources and not animal derived,It is formed from ammonia and carbon dioxide, and can be produced in either a solid or liquid form. Hydroxyethyl and Diazolidinyl Urea, Often people get confused by these, but they are in fact two completely different ingredients.Diazolidinyl Urea is an antimicrobial preservative used in the skin care industry, It is used to protect personal care products from bacteria, yeast and mould.Diazolidinyl urea gets a lot of bad press as a preservative, due to the fact that it’s a proven formaldehyde releaser. Hydrovance, inci name Hydroxyethyl Urea is a potent humectant and considered safe as a cosmetic ingredient.Synthetic urea often finds its way into topical dermatological products to rehydrate the skin. Lab-manufactured urea can be helpful in treating scaly skin, corns, calluses, and ingrown nails.

According to a New Zealand study in 2007, urea works best for treating ichthyosis and hyperkeratoic conditions (Australian Journal of Dermatology, Vol 11, June 28 2007). In this experiment, 58 patients suffering from a range of dermatoses were treated with 10% urea in a non-greasy base. Those with atopic dermatitis reported only fair results, the participants with hyperkeratotic conditions saw excellent results.

In addition to their keratolytic properties, urea and lactic acid are also effective humectants, which means that they bind water below the surface of the epidermis, right down to the stratus corneum. Urea is highly hygroscopic, or water-loving, and modifies the structure of amino chains and polypeptides in skin. This is significant for skin moisturizing since there is a direct correlation between water content and amino acid content in skin (the drier skin is, the lower its share of dissolved amino acids).

Urea cream is indicated for debridement and promotion of normal healing of skin areas with hyperkeratosis, particularly where healing is inhibited by local skin infection, skin necrosis, fibrinous or itching debris or eschar. Specific condition with hyperkeratosis where urea cream is useful include:

  • Dry skin and rough skin
  • Dermatitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Ichthyosis
  • Eczema
  • Keratosis
  • Keratoderma
  • Corns
  • Calluses
  • Damaged, ingrown and devitalized nails





According to :


Tyrosine (abbreviated as Tyr or Y) or 4-hydroxyphenylalanine, is one of the 22 amino acids that are used by cells to synthesizeproteins. It is a non-essential amino acid with a polar side group. Its codons are UAC and UAU. The word “tyrosine” is from the Greek tyros, meaning cheese, as it was first discovered in 1846 by German chemist Justus von Liebig in the protein casein from cheese. It is called tyrosyl when referred to as a functional group or side chain.

It’s officially called L-tyrosine because amino acids tend to be “left-handed” (hence the ‘L’), rather than “right-handed” – indicating the way the side chain on amino acids is positioned.

Tyrosine as an amino acid, it’s primarily used to build proteins. It’s also a pre-cursor to some of the most vital neurotransmitters in our body as well as the primary input for thyroid hormones like Thyroxin.

Tyrosine is a precursor to melanin (skin pigment) for healthy color





Aside from being a proteinogenic amino acid, tyrosine has a special role by virtue of the phenol functionality. It occurs in proteins that are part of signal transduction processes. It functions as a receiver of phosphate groups that are transferred by way of protein kinases (so-called receptor tyrosine kinases). Phosphorylation of the hydroxyl group changes the activity of the target protein.

A tyrosine residue also plays an important role in photosynthesis. In chloroplasts (photosystem II), it acts as an electron donor in the reduction of oxidized chlorophyll. In this process, it loses the hydrogen atom of its phenolic OH-group. This radical is subsequently reduced in the photosystem II by the four core manganese clusters.

In plants and most microorganisms, tyr is produced via prephenate, an intermediate on the shikimate pathway. Prephenate is oxidatively decarboxylated with retention of the hydroxylgroup to give p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate, which is transaminated using glutamate as the nitrogen source to give tyrosine and α-ketoglutarate.

Mammals synthesize tyrosine from the essential amino acid phenylalanine (phe), which is derived from food. The conversion of phe to tyr is catalyzed by the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase, a monooxygenase. This enzyme catalyzes the reaction causing the addition of a hydroxyl group to the end of the 6-carbon aromatic ring of phenylalanine, such that it becomes tyrosine.


From: Optimind

Bottom line L-tyrosine basically prevents you from burning out. It’s the precursor of several essential catecholamine neurotransmitters for smooth brain functioning. These type of neurotransmitters are needed for mental alertness, activity, anxiety, blood pressure, and the secretion of some hormones. That’s why this amino acid is vital to maintaining a healthy mood.

In addition, it plays an important role in the production of thyroid hormones T3 and T4. Low thyroid levels are associated with poor memory, fatigue, depression, and decreased libido among other consequences. Because the thyroid gland combines tyrosine and iodine to make thyroid hormones, tyros supplements may help keep your thyroid gland functioning properly. Always consult your health provider before you embark in any major supplementation journey.

Medical use


Tyrosine is a precursor to neurotransmitters and increases plasma neurotransmitter levels (particularly dopamine and norepinephrine) but has little if any effect on mood.The effect on mood is more noticeable in humans subjected to stressful conditions (see below).

A number of studies have found tyrosine to be useful during conditions of stress, cold, fatigue, prolonged work and sleep deprivation, with reductions in stress hormone levels,reductions in stress-induced weight loss seen in animal trials, improvements in cognitive and physical performance seen in human trials; however, because tyrosine hydroxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme, effects are less significant than those of L-DOPA.

It’s one of the most versatile compounds floating around this planet.


The amino acid Tyrosine with aromatic side chain. It has hydroxyl group for H bonds and shows polarity. It is non-essential amino acid, which means that it is manufactured from other amino acids in the liver; it does not have to be obtained directly through the diet.  It is glucogenic and ketogenic both. It was first isolated from casein in 1849 and is abundant in insulin as well as the enzyme papain and can be synthesized from the amino acid phenylalanine in the body. Tyrosine is important to overall metabolism. It is a precursor of adrenaline and the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine, which regulate mood and stimulate metabolism and the nervous system.


According to:


Tyrosine, a parent amino acid for skin, hair, and eye pigments, is involved in syndromes, known generally as oculocutaneous albinism, that are characterized by the failure to form melanin pigments, resulting in partial or complete albinism. It is also the precursor amino acid for the thyroid gland hormone thyroxin, and  a disfunction in this may result in hypothyroidism – an enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter), severe growth failure, and retardation of central nervous system development may be present. A deficiency may also have symptoms of low blood pressure, low body temperature (including cold hands and feet) and “restless leg syndrome.” how about that, and is a fact to look into.
Tyrosine acts as a mood elevator; a lack of adequate amounts of tyrosine leads to a deficiency of norepinephrine in the brain, which in turn can result in depression.
Helps in suppressing the appetite and reducing body fat, production of skin and hair pigment, the proper functioning of the thyroid as well as the pituitary and adrenal gland so basically it aids with an overall wellbeing.
It aids in the production of melanin (the pigment responsible for skin and hair color) and in the functions of the adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary glands. It is also involved in the metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine.
Supplemental L-tyrosine has been used for stress reduction, and research suggests it may be helpful against chronic fatigue and narcolepsy. It has been used to help individuals suffering from anxiety, depression, low sex drive, allergies, and headaches, as well as persons under­going withdrawal from drugs. It may also help people with Parkinson’s disease.
It gives rise to catecholamine e.g. adrenaline and noradrenalin and dopamine. They then function as neurotransmitters in our brain. These are important in maintaining the good balance of moods in person aside from many other benefits. If there deficiency occurs then this result in depression in a person. Dopamine further has another important physiological role in our body. it stimulates the myocardial activity in the heart means it performs an isotropic action. Since it is a neurotransmitter in the brain, in case of its deficiency in the basal ganglia, an extra pyramidal disease called Parkinsonism occurs. It also acts as a prolactin release inhibiting factor in the anterior pituitary gland.


Deficiency Symptoms of Tyrosine

Symptoms of tyrosine deficiency can also include low blood pressure, low body temperature (such as cold hands and feet), and restless leg syndrome.
Rich Food Sources of Tyrosine

Natural Food sources of tyrosine include almonds, avocados, bananas, dairy products, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds.
Animal sources include chicken, turkey, dairy products like yogurt, milk, cheese, and in fish.






According to:


Melatonin, chemically N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, is a substance found in animals, plants, fungi and bacteria. In animals it is a hormone that anticipates the daily onset of darkness; however in other organisms it may have different functions. Likewise, the synthesis of melatonin in animals differs from that in other organisms.

In animals, melatonin is involved in the entrainment (synchronization) of the circadian rhythms of physiological functions including sleep timing, blood pressure regulation, seasonal reproduction and many others.Many of melatonin’s biological effects in animals are produced through activation of melatonin receptors, while others are due to its role as a pervasive and powerful antioxidant, with a particular role in the protection of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.

The hormone can be used as a sleep aid and in the treatment of some sleep disorders. It can be taken orally in liquid form as well as capsules or tablets in immediate- or prolonged-release form. It is also available in a form to be used sublingually, and as transdermal patches.




Melatonin was first discovered in connection to the mechanism by which some amphibians and reptiles change the color of their skin. As early as 1917, Carey Pratt McCord and Floyd P. Allen discovered that feeding extract of the pineal glands of cows lightened tadpole skin by contracting the dark epidermal melanophores.[

In 1958, dermatology professor Aaron B. Lerner and colleagues at Yale University, in the hope that a substance from the pineal might be useful in treating skin diseases, isolated the hormone from bovine pineal gland extracts and named it melatonin. In the mid-70s Lynch et al. demonstrated that the production of melatonin exhibits a circadian rhythm in human pineal glands.

The discovery that melatonin is an antioxidant was made in 1993. The first patent for its use as a low dose sleep aid was granted to Richard Wurtman at MIT in 1995. Around the same time, the hormone got a lot of press as a possible treatment for many illnesses. The New England Journal of Medicine editorialized in 2000: “With these recent careful and precise observations in blind persons, the true potential of melatonin is becoming evident, and the importance of the timing of treatment is becoming clear. ”


An amazing TIP: 


It is principally blue light, around 460 to 480 nm, that suppresses melatonin, proportional to the light intensity and length of exposure. Until recent history, humans in temperate climates were exposed to few hours of (blue) daylight in the winter; their fires gave predominantly yellow light. The incandescent light bulb widely used in the twentieth century produced relatively little blue light. Kayumov et al. showed that light containing only wavelengths greater than 530 nm does not suppress melatonin in bright-light conditions. Wearing glasses that block blue light in the hours before bedtime may decrease melatonin loss. Use of blue-blocking goggles the last hours before bedtime has also been advised for people who need to adjust to an earlier bedtime, as melatonin promotes sleepiness.

Lets be conscious here, what happens when we watch TV almost until bedtime or we are on our phone or computer? Not so good, not so good at all, definitely all of it needs to be turned off at least an hour before bed, believe me I learned this at least 40 years ago, and I make sure I follow it pretty close, I choose to sleep in the dark with all appliances and clocks turned off. I usually have a power search strip and I just switch it off so no EMF is in the room.It is such a small thing to do for the exchange of your health and the control on how fast we age, not to bad, right?.

In vertebrates, melatonin is produced in darkness, thus usually at night, by the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland located in the center of the brain but outside the blood–brain barrier. Light/dark information reaches the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) from retinal photosensitive ganglion cells of the eyes rather than the melatonin signal (as was once postulated). Known as “the hormone of darkness”, the onset of melatonin at dusk promotes activity in nocturnal (night active) animals and sleep in diurnal ones including humans.

Many animals use the variation in duration of melatonin production each day as a seasonal clock. In animals including humans the profile of melatonin synthesis and secretion is affected by the variable duration of night in summer as compared to winter. The change in duration of secretion thus serves as a biological signal for the organization of daylength-dependent (photoperiodic) seasonal functions such as reproduction, behavior, coat growth and camouflage coloring in seasonal animals. In seasonal breeders that do not have long gestation periods and that mate during longer daylight hours, the melatonin signal controls the seasonal variation in their sexual physiology, and similar physiological effects can be induced by exogenous melatonin in animals including mynah birdsand hamsters. Melatonin can suppress libido by inhibiting secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior pituitary gland, especially in mammals that have a breeding season when daylight hours are long. The reproduction of long-day breeders is repressed by melatonin and the reproduction of short-day breeders is stimulated by melatonin.

 In Plants

Melatonin is found in many plants including feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), rice, corn, tomato, grape[ and other edible fruits. The physiological roles in plants include regulation of their response to photoperiod, defense against harsh environments, and the function of an antioxidant. It also regulates plant growth by its ability to slow root formation, while promoting above-ground growth.


Circadian rhythm

Cicle circadian-jpg


In animals, the primary function is regulation of day-night cycles. Human infants’ melatonin levels become regular in about the third month after birth, with the highest levels measured between midnight and 8:00 AM. Human melatonin production decreases as a person ages on average, They are  of course the ones that are conscious of the process and take care of it before there is an issue with it.Also, as children become teenagers, the nightly schedule of melatonin release is delayed, leading to later sleeping and waking times.

As a Antioxidant

Besides its function as synchronizer of the biological clock, melatonin is a powerful free-radical scavenger and wide-spectrum antioxidant as discovered in 1993. In many less complex life forms, this is its only known function.

Melatonin is an antioxidant that can easily cross cell membranes and the blood–brain barrier. This antioxidant is a direct scavenger of radical oxygen and nitrogen species including OH, O2, and NO. Melatonin works wi ‘t you think?

Immune system

While it is known that melatonin interacts with the immune system, the details of those interactions are unclear. Anti inflammatory effect seems to be the most relevant and most documented in the literature. There have been few trials designed to judge the effectiveness of melatonin in disease treatment. Most existing data are based on small, incomplete clinical trials. Any positive immunological effect is thought to be the result of melatonin acting on high-affinity receptors (MT1 and MT2) expressed in immunocompetent cells. In preclinical studies, melatonin may enhance cytokine production, and by doing this counteract acquired immunodeficiences. Some studies also suggest that melatonin might be useful fighting infectious disease including viral, such as HIV, and bacterial infections, and potentially in the treatment of cancer.

In rheumatoid arthritis patients, melatonin production has been found increased when compared to age-matched healthy controls.


Acording to:


  • Humans as with all mammals, your biological clock resides in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of your brain (SCN), which is part of your hypothalamus. Based on signals of light and darkness, your SCN tells your pineal gland when it’s time to secrete melatonin.
  • Light comes in through your eyes and travels up your optic nerves to the SCN, which is exquisitely sensitive to cycles of light and darkness.
  • When you turn on a light at night, you immediately send your brain misinformation about the light-dark cycle. The only thing your brain interprets light to be is day. When it believes that daytime has arrived, your biological clock instructs your pineal gland to immediately cease its production of melatonin.
  • Whether you have the light on for an hour or for just a second, the effect is the same — and your melatonin pump doesn’t turn back on when you flip the light back off.



TIPS to optimize your Melatonin 


          DR Marcola recommend

  • Avoid watching TV or using your computer in the evening, at least an hour or so before going to bed. These devices emit blue light, which tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime. Normally your brain starts secreting melatonin between 9 and 10 pm, and these devices emit light that may stifle that process.
  • Make sure you get BRIGHT sun exposure regularly. Your pineal gland produces melatonin roughly in approximation to the contrast of bright sun exposure in the day and complete darkness at night. If you are in darkness all day long, it can’t appreciate the difference and will not optimize your melatonin production.
  • Sleep in complete darkness, or as close to it as possible. Even the slightest bit of light in your bedroom can disrupt your biological clock and your pineal gland’s melatonin production. Even the tiniest glow from your clock radio could be interfering with your sleep, so cover your radio up at night or get rid of it altogether. Move all electrical devices at least three feet away from your bed. You may want to cover your windows with drapes or blackout shades.
  • Install a low-wattage yellow, orange or red light bulb if you need a source of light for navigation at night. Light in these bandwidths does not shut down melatonin production in the way that white and blue bandwidth light does. Salt lamps are handy for this purpose.
  • Keep the temperature in your bedroom no higher than 70 degrees F. Many people keep their homes too warm (particularly their upstairs bedrooms). Studies show that the optimal room temperature for sleep is between 60 to 68 degrees.
  • Take a hot bath 90 to 120 minutes before bedtime. This increases your core body temperature, and when you get out of the bath it abruptly drops, signaling your body that you are ready to sleep.
  • Avoid using loud alarm clocks. Being jolted awake each morning can be very stressful. If you are regularly getting enough sleep, you might not even need an alarm.
    Get some sun in the morning, if possible. Your circadian system needs bright light to reset itself. Ten to 15 minutes of morning sunlight will send a strong message to your internal clock that day has arrived, making it less likely to be confused by weaker light signals during the night. More sunlight exposure is required as you age.( how about that for the no Sun light story)
    Be mindful of electromagnetic fields in your bedroom. EMFs can disrupt your pineal gland and its melatonin production, and may have other negative biological effects as well.


We are so glad we can bring you all the information above, we wish for you and family to have a long healthy, restful

happy life, from all of us.

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Would you like to know what your fingernails say about your health?


mani-pedi healthy nail



Hello it is week 195 and here we are sharing information about Fingernails, I learned over 30 years ago the importance of assessing are wellbeing through checking the appearance of our fingernails. it is amazing how much you can tell by just learning what the signs are. We are not diagnosing by any means, we are going to leave that to your Health provider, our intention is to share history, facts and information from sources with integrity. We provide you with links and videos for you to research and gather yourselves with what serves you and family. We wish to thank you for your amazing support and your likes and shares, it is our fuel, we wish you Love and health, and ideal abundance finds  you and yours.




Fingernail Structure

Nail-Diagram 1



The structure of the nail is divided into six specific parts – the root, nail bed, nail plate, eponychium (cuticle), perionychium, and hyponychium. Each one of these structures has an specific function, and when is disrupted it can result in an abnormal appearing fingernail or a permanent damage structure.


Nail Root
The root of the fingernail is also known as the germinal matrix. This portion of the nail is actually beneath the skin behind the fingernail and extends several millimeters into the finger itself.  The fingernail root produces most of the volume of the nail and the nail bed.

Nail Plate
This is the visible part of the nail that sits on top of the nail bed. It is made by Keratinisation; the transformation of living cells to hard, dead cells, and it consists of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen.

Nail Folds
This is the skin that frames each of your nails on three sides.

Nail Bed
Your nail bed is the skin beneath the nail plate.

The cuticle of the fingernail is also called the eponychium. The cuticle is situated between the skin of the finger and the nail plate fusing these structures together and providing a waterproof barrier. Your cuticle tissue overlaps your nail plate at the base of your nail.

The half moon shaped point where the matrix and nail bed meet.

The perioncyhium is the skin that overlies the nail plate on its sides. It is also known as the paronychial edge. The perionychium is the site of hangnails, ingrown nails, and an infection of the skin called paronychia.

The hyponychium is the area between the nail plate and the fingertip. It is the junction between the free edge of the nail and the skin of the fingertip, also providing a waterproof barrier.



Healthy Nails


Nutritional Causes of Weak Fingernails


Here again a balanced diet will provide all the nutrients needed for strong healthy fingernails. When is Shortages of important vitamins and minerals or a lack of protein it could interfere with nail growth, but your fingernails also reflect your general state of health. Keratin, the same protein that forms the beaks of birds and the horns of animals, forms in layers at the root of the nail. Severe illness  or a shock to the nails can interrupt keratin formation, and chronic disease can change fingernail shape, color and thickness permanently.


When you eat a variety of healthy foods daily, you can avoid the shortages of iron, calcium and other important vitamins and minerals that affect the health of your fingernails and hair. Including fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, along with whole grains and proteins, provides a steady supply of critical nutrients. If you rely on only a few types of food or eat mainly processed foods and refined starches, you could lack important keratin-building blocks to say the least. Dry, brittle nails can result for most part from dietary problems, but many types of chronic illness also affect the appearance of your nails. Improper nail care could also cause brittle, splitting nails, dry and lifeless looking nails.


According to:

Biotin is necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acids, and the metabolism of fats and amino acids.

It may also be helpful in maintaining a steady blood sugar level.[4] Biotin is often recommended as a dietary supplement for strengthening hair and nails,Biotin is important in fatty acid synthesis, branched-chain amino acid catabolism, and gluconeogenesis.

Biotin is consumed from a wide range of food sources in the diet, but few are particularly rich sources. Foods with a relatively high biotin content include peanutsSwiss chard and other leafy green vegetables, raw egg yolk (however, the consumption of avidin-containing egg whites with egg yolks minimizes the effectiveness of egg yolk’s biotin in one’s body), liver, and Saskatoon berries

Biotin is also called vitamin H (the H represents Haar und Haut, German words for “hair and skin”) or vitamin B7

According to:


Studies have indicated few, if any, effects due to very unusual high level doses of biotin. This may provide evidence that both animals and humans could tolerate doses of at least an order of magnitude greater than each of their nutritional requirements. There are no reported cases of adverse effects from receiving high doses of the vitamin, in particular, when used in the treatment of metabolic disorders causing sebhorrheic dermatitis in infants or adults, excess biotin accumulation can inhibit endogenous sirt activity leading to increased inflammation, cellularity, and collagen deposition and may be partly responsible for age related metabolic problems. Reversed by calorie restriction in mice.[30]

You need about 30 micrograms of biotin, or vitamin H, every day in order to process other nutrients you receive in food. Few people develop biotin deficiency, since many foods such as egg yolks, brewer’s yeast, nuts, beans and sardines contain biotin. A healthy diet provides about 60 micrograms daily. Highly-processed foods contain much less biotin if any, than whole grains and other natural food products. If genetic problems cause your brittle nails, your Health provider may prescribe biotin supplements to compensate. High doses of biotin could interfere with absorption of pantothenic acid, or vitamin B-5. so is best to check with health provider if you have any doubts and maintain that delicate valance.



Make sure you get enough iron in your diet to keep your nails healthy. Low iron levels soften your nail plate, which means that doing common everyday activities can make your nails collapse inward. However, you might just notice a depression in the thumbnail of your dominant hand, explains Harvard University. In severe cases, nails can take on a spoon-like appearance. According to the Institute of Medicine, women need 18 milligrams of iron daily while men need 8 grams. Animal-based foods, such as oysters, provide considerable amounts of iron, while raisins, raisin bran cereal, lentils, kidney beans and tofu are plant-based sources of iron.

Zinc and Calcium


This essential mineral zinc and calcium also play a role in your nail health. Zinc deficiency causes your nails to develop little white spots, while calcium deficiency leads to nail ridges. These deficiencies also cause other health problems. Low zinc levels, for example, dampen your senses of taste and smell, while calcium deficiency negatively affects your bone density, nervous system and many other consequences. Consume 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily by incorporating foods such as dairy products, tofu, rhubarb and white beans into your diet. Shellfish, dairy products and nuts all contain zinc. Men need 11 milligrams per day while women need 8 milligrams per day.



In many cases, nail abnormalities can signal that you’re getting too much of a nutrient. Too much selenium, for example, causes brittle nails and can even cause nail loss in some cases. In other cases, selenium toxicity could possibly make your nails look thick and deformed.Is good to be aware of Brazilian nuts, a single ounce, which is approximately 6 nuts, contains 544 micrograms of selenium, which is more than the intake limit of 400 micrograms daily set by the Institute of Medicine. Consume Brazil nuts as an occasional treat to prevent selenium toxicity. If you already suffer from nail abnormalities, seek Health prevention assistance.



Even temporary malnutrition may weaken your nails and affect their appearance for months. Healthy nails show parallel ridges running along the length of the nail. Deep horizontal flaws called Beau’s lines form because of an interruption in nail nourishment. If you don’t eat enough quality foods or if your food lacks any single vitamin, nail growth slows. Returning to a proper diet restores growth to normal, leaving a horizontal groove in your nail.


Protein Deficiency

Protein deficiency could affect anyone severely on an overall wellness by restricting total food intake or food variety we can cause many setbacks in our health. Diets providing only a few plant-based foods contain incomplete proteins lacking some of the amino acids you need to build new tissue. If you’re vegan, you need a variety of plant foods including whole grains, vegetables and legumes every day to ensure consumption of a full range of amino acids and don’t forget to include healthy fats and vegan gelatin. Protein quantity also affects nail strength. If you weigh 150 pounds, you need about 60 grams of complete protein every day to maintain body tissues. Most American diets provide more, but starvation diets cause thinner fingernails along with many other serious health problems.


Foods that strengthen nails






Fish has been known to be absolutely one of the best foods that strengthen your nails. First, it’s full of lean, easy to assimilate protein and it can be used immediately for your body, exactly how it wants to use it. Protein helps feed collagen and keratin in your skin, hair and nails. Fish is one of the most beauty friendly sources of animal protein you can eat as well. Choose salmon,  white fish, shrimp and crab for the best benefits, and eat it at least three times a week. Avoid high mercury sources like some sushi like Tuna, mackerel and swordfish, which can actually weaken your nails, bones etc, not strengthen them. Bake, broil or grill fish and add it to your lunches, dinners and substitute other sources of meat with fish. In no time, you’ll be looking great and your nails will be growing quickly too.





Spirulina has over 800% of your daily beta-carotene intake, which is a form of Vitamin A. It’s also a rich sources of biotin, B vitamins, magnesium, chlorophyll and rich in protein. Spirulina can easily be added to smoothies, soups or into homemade energy balls or bars. I like the Nutrex brand for the mildest taste and highest quality. Spirulina is also a wonderful source of iron, and contains more iron per teaspoon than meat. Spirulina is a great resource of vital health supplements for Vegan people, seaweed in general is a great source of elastin and collagen maker.





Almonds are a fantastic source of magnesium, zinc, protein, manganese and copper, which are all important to nail health. Almonds are also very high in selenium and biotin, which are two minerals your nails literally crave. Choose raw over roasted almonds so you get the most benefits, and add them as a topping on smoothies, yogurt or oatmeal. You can also pair some raw almond butter with some celery, whole grain crackers or use it to make homemade energy bars. Almonds will have your skin, hair and nails looking better in no time!


Word of caution: So we are mimicking nature when we soak our nuts, grains and seeds. Nutritional inhibitors and toxic substances found in nuts grains and seed can be minimized or eliminated by soaking specially if you add a sheet of Combu seaweed to the water. These inhibitors and toxic substances are enzyme inhibitors, phytates (phytic acid), polyphenols (tannins), and goitrogens.


The major defense mechanism in nuts is phytic acid. When something that contains phytic acid is eaten, the acid binds to minerals like zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, chromium, and manganese in the gastrointestinal tract, which inhibits our digestive systems’ ability to break the nut down properly witch in this case or any case it would defeat the perpose of helping are bodies in getting the proper amount of nutrients need it and on top taxing the body’s ability to try to deal with the invader physic acid.

But, no worries, phytic acid can be removed! All you need to do to deactivate this acid is to give your nuts a good soak!


  1. Add nuts to a sanitezid glass jar.
  2. Fill the jar with filtered water, being sure to cover the nuts make sure you use a good water source.
  3. Soak the nuts for the diferent times outlined on the soaking chart below.
  4. When soaking is completed, discard the soak water and give the nuts a good rinse again use a good source of water.
  5. You can either: refrigerate and consume within 24 hours, OR dry in a dehydrator and store in the fridge for 2 weeks OR freeze for up to 2 months make sure if you freeze them to place them in a container that protects them from freezer burn.

Is great food dehydrators in the market and right now is a great time to use one to have great goodies for the fall and winter.



  • Almonds: soak for 12 hours, dehydrate for 15 hours
  • Brazil nuts: soak for 12 hours, dehydrate for 18 hours
  • Cashews: soak for 6 hours, dehydrate for 15 hours
  • Hazelnuts: soak for 8 hours, dehydrate for 12 hours
  • Macadamia nuts: soak for 4 hours, dehydrate for 12 hours
  • Pecans: soak for 8 hours, dehydrate for 12 hours
  • Pine nut: soak for 8 hours, dehydrate for 12 hours
  • Walnuts: soak for 8 hours, dehydrate for 12 hours

Enjoy with the family members a great food moment play squirrel and save for the coming months great foods that not only create family fun but at the same time is a great source of nutrition.


Hemp Seeds

hemp seeds

Hemp seeds are one of my personal little nutrition and beauty secrets, love their properties. If you’re not already indulging in this heart healthy, beautifying seed, I suggest you start! Hemp seeds are not only high in omega 3 fats, and contain all essential amino acids there are a lot to them. Hemp seeds are also rich in protein, which feeds your hair, skin and nails. When it comes to nail health, they also contain biotin, selenium, manganese and, once again, protein. If you think about it all of these nutrients make hemp a great tool to increase value to your health, along with helping your nails grow and stay strong. I suggest using 1 tablespoon of hemp seeds in smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal or using them in homemade energy bars or bites. They’re incredibly easy to use, and so fantastic for your body. You can use them as a replacement wherever you would use nuts in a recipe as well. Another great source for Vegan people.






Eggs are one of the best sources of biotin you can consume, and  one of the most nutrient dense animal foods you can eat. The key to eating eggs the right way is to eat free range or non GMO grains, certified humane eggs not fed a diet high in soy or corn, and that haven’t been given hormones or fed inorganic feeds high in pesticides, you can find many sources of great eggs in Farmers markets. Always make sure to ask their source. They’re also richer in body-friendly protein, Vitamin D and natural sources of healthy fats instead of fats from their food. They’re higher in Vitamins E, omega 3 fats and minerals like selenium, biotin and iron. Add eggs to your diet and your nails will thank you big time! You can eat them in any form or fashion, but my personal favorite is baking with them. I also suggest egg whites for many of the same benefits.




Bowl with yoghurt

Yogurt is wonderful for your nails. As long as you choose a high protein yogurt, preferably no sugar, you can always use honey, like plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt, Goat or Sheep kind, it is truly a miracle food for your nails. Yogurt’s high protein content isn’t all it has going for it. Yogurt is also rich in biotin, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and Vitamin D. Calcium is another mineral very important for your nail health remember?. It helps strengthen your nails, hair and bones, and prevents breakage in all three areas. We all know yogurt is easy to enjoy in many ways.  I like organic Greek yogurt, as well as hormone-free, non GMO varieties for the best nutrition possible.You are the selection of the yogurt you prefer and I encourage you to make your own, is a lot of fun, I grew up with the home made kind and it was a family affair I still remember it, the great feeling!!!




Leafy Greens


Leafy greens are possibly one of the top foods of all for your nails. They contain raw, easy to assimilate nutrients that feed your hair, nails and skin. Leafy greens contain magnesium, copper, zinc, protein, Vitamins A and E, along with biotin and other B vitamins. You can add them to whatever you can, whenever you can including sandwiches . I like to stir them in soups, add them to smoothies, eat salads on a regular occasion,  you can make really easy chips, along with toss them into omelets or pair them steamed with fish for dinner, eggs in the morning and you get a double whammy with the two combined foods.



Kale Chips recipe



 Vegan Kale Chips

Serves 2 to 4 as a snack

3/4 cup cashews
1 bunch kale, washed and pat dried
1 clove garlic, peeled
2 tablespoons soy sauce or Tamari sauce or a similar sauce of your like
2 tablespoons Organic cold pressed vegetable or olive oil
1/3 cup nutritional yeast (not to be confused with brewer’s yeast)
1 lemon, juiced

Start by Cover the cashews with water in a small bowl and let them soak for 6 hours before using.

Preheat oven to the lowest heat setting. Line several baking sheets with parchment paper. Drain cashews and set aside. Trim stems from each kale leaf and cut each leaf into chip-sized pieces.

Combine the cashews, garlic, soy sauce, oil, nutritional yeast, and lemon juice in a food processor or a blender. Blend until smooth.

In a large bowl, combine kale and cashew paste, stir until all pieces of kale are evenly coated. Place kale pieces on baking sheets, allowing space between each piece so they do not touch or overlap so they don’t stick together. If you have leftover kale that doesn’t quite fit on the baking sheets, refrigerate it, covered, until first batch has finished baking and then bake a second batch and so on.

Bake the kale until crisp and completely dry, between 2 and 3 hours the baking time depends on the oven you use so I recommend checking them for crispiness. Check after the first hour and turn leaves over. Chips will be ready when crunchy and stiff and topping is dry and doesn’t feel chewy or moist.


Sweet Potatoes

sweet potatoes 2

Sweet potatoes are one of the best sources of Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. This important antioxidant is one of the best you can eat for your nails for so many reasons. Beta-carotene strengthens both collagen and elastin in the skin and nails. It also reduces the stress that can cause breakage from inflammation. In terms of growth, it acts as food for your hair, nails and skin. Sweet potatoes are the richest vegetable source of beta-carotene you can eat, but carrots, squash, cantaloupe and leafy greens are all top sources too among a few others, right now we are talking about sweet potatoes.






Walnuts have more omega 3s than any nut, they have protein and fiber and they’re rich in magnesium, melatonin, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium and biotin as well. Walnuts help your nails grow and stay strong due to this powerful nutritional makeup. Their bonus,is that  walnuts reduce your appetite and help stabilize your blood sugar. I like adding them to smoothies, yogurt or just eating a few when I get a sweet tooth. They also help clear the skin, reduce inflammation in the body and improve nail appearance in just a week.Don’t forget to soak them before consumption.



Sunflower Seeds


Sunflower seeds are another choice of wonderful nut-free source of protein, zinc, copper, magnesium, biotin and Vitamin E. All of these nutrients help feed your nails and help them stay strong They are huge source of calcium as well. Try sprinkling sunflower seeds on salads, on yogurt, oatmeal, on smoothies or just eating some in a delicious raw trail mix. You might try using plain, unsalted sunflower butter for a different treat and a good replacement or a variation from Peanut butter as well. It has almost an identical taste, but is more tolerable to those that don’t tolerate peanuts. Great source of food again for Vegans and Vegetarians.


Tahini /tɑːˈhiːni/ (also tahina /tɑːˈhiːnə/; Arabic: طحينة‎) is an oily paste made from toasted ground hulled sesame seeds used in North African, Greek, Iranian, Turkish, and Middle Eastern cuisine. Tahini is served as a dip on its own or as a major component of hummus, baba ghanoush, and halva.


Consume tahini to boost your thiamin intake. Each serving provides 16 percent of the daily suggested intake of this vitamin, also known as vitamin B-1. The thiamin in tahini influences your nervous system, muscles and digestion.


Tahini provides 12 percent of the phosphorus you require daily in each serving in one serving ( 1 teaspoon). This mineral is important for the strength of your bones and teeth. You also need it to remove waste from your kidneys WOW what a great way to do this function. Boosting your intake of phosphorus by eating tahini is a good choice if you take certain antacids and diuretics that leach phosphorus from your body, how about that!!.


You need only small amounts of copper in your diet each day, and tahini can help you meet those nutritional needs. This mineral helps keep your blood vessels and bones healthy among other very important functions. You also need it to produce red blood cells, which influences the amount of energy you have for your daily activities. and to be able to think clearly too.

Pumpkin Seeds


Pumpkin seeds are another fabulous source of the same nutrients that sunflower seeds contain, but they contain a bit more magnesium. Aside from hemp seeds, they are the most chlorophyll rich nut, making them more alkaline and less acidic on your body. I personally Love pumpkin seeds, and their high tryptophan content makes them a rich source of one of the most essential amino acids to your health. Tryptophan reduces stress in the body, and stress in any form can actually weaken your nails, along with making your hair fall out and give you breakouts, it will help traduce the damage hat stress causes in your system. Eating tryptophan rich foods is a great way to prevent that through your diet.And Pumpkin Seeds are known to rid you of PARASITES !!! how about that your Pets can consume as well.

Chia Seeds

chia seeds

Chia seeds are a fabulous source of nutrients for every single part of your body, but since we’re talking about nail health here, it’s all about the calcium, protein, B vitamins and zinc. Chia is packed full of these nutrients, which keep your hair, nails and skin looking their best around the clock. Eating chia seeds in yogurts, oatmeal, smoothies, protein bars, homemade energy bars or whatever else you want is a great way to increase your nutrition, along with improve your nail health quickly. I personally love them sprinkled on top of yogurts and smoothies. Their crunchy texture is so fun and satisfying, try not to buy them in a powder forms because theirs from it can rancid easy, if you like them ground  them is a coffee grinder and it works great.



Oats are one of the best whole grains to eat for your hair, skin and nails. They’re naturally anti-inflammatory, and they contain so many B vitamins, including biotin, the most important B vitamin for your nails of all. Since oats digest very slowly, they also reduce insulin surges in your body. When insulin surges in the body, it causes your blood sugar to make you stressed. This in turn weakens your hair and nails, along with increases breakouts. Oats can be eaten daily as a delicious breakfast, used in smoothies or even made into homemade energy bars or granola bars and included on how made bread, stuffing for the holidays and so much more. Is preferable not to add sugar to your oats, or you defeat the entire purpose of eating them for nail and blood sugar benefits, honey is a predigested sugar and it doesn’t have the negative side effects of the sugar. If you don’t like oats, quinoa is a great replacement, as it’s high in protein and also rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen your nails. and contribute to a great deal of benefits for your health.



9 Home Remedies For Weak And Brittle Nails!




#1 Daily Olive Oil Soak





There is no end to the benefits of good ol’ olive oil. It’s truly one of the most versatile products and one which is likely to be sitting in your kitchen right now. Not only is it well known for its ability to both lower cholesterol and effectively moisturise the skin and hair but it is also highly penetrating, repairing and ultimately strengthening your nails!Amazing antioxidant at the same time. Simply soak your nails in extra virgin olive oil for 10 minutes a day and and magic will happen. Wrap the soaked nails in a cotton pad and sit, read or watch your favorite past time.

Olive oil has a long history of being used as a home remedy for skincare. Egyptians used it alongside beeswax as a cleanser, moisturizer, and antibacterial agent since pharaonic times. In ancient Greece, the substance was used during massage, to prevent sports injuries, relieve muscle fatigue, and eliminate lactic acid buildup. In 2000, Japan was the top importer of olive oil in Asia (13,000 tons annually) because consumers there believe both the ingestion and topical application of olive oil to be good for skin and health and the has a long history of benefits.

However, one study noted that squalene, which is in olive oil, may contribute to relief of seborrheic dermatitisacnepsoriasis or atopic dermatitis.[73]

Three major antioxidants are found in Olive Oil: vitamin E, polyphenols, and phytosterols. Antioxidants, when topically applied, they are an aid and protect the skin from premature skin deterioration. Vitamin E partly accounts for the anti-aging benefits of olive oil because it helps restore skin softness and protects it against ultraviolet light. Hydroxytyrosol, a rather rare compound found in olive oil, also prevents free radical damage to the skin and over all protection of are health.




#2 Weekly Hot Oil And Lemon Treatment




Olive oil comes ether Cold pressed or hot pressed, organic and Virgin, mixed it with  fresh lemon juice to create a nourishing weekly nail treatment! You can also use it for your hair is a great conditioner that will give you highlights on your hair naturally when you expose the mixture to sunlight.

Mix the olive oil with a few drops of FRESH lemon juice – fresh is always best. Dip cotton or a cotton pad in the mixture, place it on the nail and secure with a piece of Seran Wrap to keep the cotton in place. Leave it on for 10 minutes or maybe as long as a TV show or a chapter of your favorite book, the longer the better and remove with warm cotton pad only the excess the rest you can rub on your hands as a conditioner. You’ll notice your nails will look and feel healthier, not to mention wonderfully shiny! Plus the lemon juice will get rid of any yellow tinge caused by overuse of nail polish! Is great way to treat your nails now that fall is here and to let the nails rest from Nail Polish , Nails are meant to BREATH and are connected deeply with are internal system and Nail polishes coat the nails with basically a form of PLASTIC !!! no so good to have on an everyday basis.




#3 Fortifying Sea Salt Soak




Sea salt is commonly used in the bath as its well known for its healing and rejuvenating properties so you may just have some on hand in your bathroom! We prefer ether kosher salt, Hymalayan salt witch has an incredible amount of minerals, Keltic Salt is another incredible source of salt. Simply mix 4 teaspoons of sea salt with some warm water (as well as a few drops of wheat germ oil if you have it if not you can get it on the internet Amazon has it) and soak your nails for 10 minutes. You’ll soon begin to notice they look and feel lot healthier as well as considerably stronger, you will love it!




#4 Strengthening Milk Bath




Why not immerse your nails in a bath of calcium by submerging them in a bowl of warm milk for around 5 minutes or more,?  And lets use whole milk and preferably organic, I love to use Goat milk as well, it is very rich in vitamins and not to mention the anti-fungal properties and if you combine the Goat milk with Coconut oil is a double benefit Coconut oil is anti-fungal anti bacterial not to mention the  conditioning properties, more on Coconut oil in another post. You’ll find your nails will be far less likely to peel or split, not to mention they will look whiter! You can even try mixing in egg yolks and let the added protein really toughen your nails up! How about that.




#5 Tea Tree Oil Drops

Herbal Medicine

Tea tree oil is another versatile ingredient used for everything from clearing up acne to treating chicken pox! It’s an effective antiseptic and a fabulous moisturizer so apply a few drops to your nails a few times a week to aid the damage from previous cracks and condition your cuticles at the same time! Is a great treat for Athlete foot and any other fungus or bacteria I love the smell of it.




#6 Treat From The Inside




Despite all these nourishing topical treatments, you can also make a big difference to the strength of your nails by eating the right foods. Eating food rich in the B Vitamin Biotin, for instance, can work wonders on strengthening nails. It’s found in a wide range of produce including cauliflower, peanuts and lentils. Saturated Fats are also essential for healthy strong nails so try to incorporate things like avocado and coconut oil in to your diet.




#7 File



Something as simple as keeping the edges of your nails filed (and preferably rounded) means they will be far less likely to peel. Only file in one direction though, as a back and forth motion actually weakens the nail.I am not great fan of the Buffing, do the fact that is easy to over buff and make the nails week and thin, do a soft nail file a couple of times a week to give the nails some love and attention, your nails will love you.




#8 Massage

nail massage



Did you know that massaging your nails in a circular motion will stimulate blood flow to the area helping them grow stronger?. Well even to do that seems like common sense, this is a little reminder, and it is so easy to do when we are in  idle time!!  There isn’t a much cheaper remedy than this so get to it, the first time you feel there is a moment when you are waiting, or just a moment for you, only you. It is a very healthy thing to do to take a moment that is only yours, that is when you take your power back. Use any moisturiser you have in hand, but if you happen to have one which contains Shea butter then that’s even better or Coconut oil, choose a thick moisturizer like that and place a bit in a small container and carry with.




#10 Wear Dish Gloves

dish gloves




It may surprise you to learn that it is water that does a big damage to your nails. The science behind this states that our nails expand when in water and contract when drying; it is precisely this process that makes them weak and brittle and compromise the cuticle and most of the components of the nail. Now, we’re not suggesting you do anything drastic like avoid the shower or never place your hands in water, we are suggesting being aware of it and use gloves if you have to wash your hands a lot, or if you are a compulsive cleaner like I have a tendency to be. Just simply wear gloves when you wash the dishes. There are some fabulous pink frilly dish gloves out there too so what better excuse to wear them.Or just creat your own and have FUN!!!!
















Bee Naturals Cuticle Oil and Nail Oil – Heal Cracked Nails and Rigid Cuticles


  • GET SMOOTH CUTICLES AND STRONG HEALTHY NAILS – Made With Our Tea Tree Essential Oil Formula, Our Cuticle Oil & Nail Oil Is Formulated For Cracked and Rigid Cuticles and Nails.
  • SMELLS AWESOME – Oil for cuticles is Scented Lightly With Lavender, Lemon And Anti-Fungal Tea Tree Essential Oils.
  • HEALS CRACKED NAILS AND RIGID CUTICLES – Vitamin E to Strengthen Your Nails – Our oil for nails is Perfect For Treating Cracked and Rigid Nails and Cuticles.
  • PERFECT FOR MAKE-UP BAG OR PURSE – The convenient size and included applicator make our Cuticle and Nail Oil the Perfect Size for your Make Up Bag or Purse – Screw on top keeps the product fresh and creamy. Applicator brush for easy use.
  • INGREDIENTS YOU CAN READ, TRUST AND KNOW WHAT THEY ARE – Bee Naturals Cuticle and Nail Oil is made with ingredients you can read and understand. We use no harmful or harsh chemicals. We make the best products we know how with the best ingredients we can find.






Art Naturals Tea Tree Essential Oil Pure & Natural 4 Oz Premium Melaleuca Therapeutic Grade From Australia


100% PREMIUM QUALITY – Taken from the best leaves in Australia, Tea Tree Oil is derived from Melaleuca Alternifolia, which is native to the Southeast of the Queensland and the Northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. Making Art Naturals Tea Tree Essential Oil the best you can get, as it comes straight from the source. We pride ourselves in delivering the best quality products to ensure the best results are given.





Eco Pure Health Biotin Dietary Supplement

STRENGTHENS HAIR AND NAILS: Our Biotin Dietary Supplement works to thicken nail cuticles, while also preventing hair breakage. It truly does help make your hair, nail and skin look better than ever.