what beauty has to do with Inflammation



For me, the best makeup is to first have healthy glowing skin. Otherwise it’s like a band-aid covering up something that is letting us know how our internal system is doing.

When I work with a client, one of my top  priorities  is to maintain and support a good skincare regimen from the inside out, I love to share information with them about hydration and sings of inflammation, they are usually very grateful and it makes are journey much easier.
Inflammation is the reflection of how the inner health is maintained .

Many skin care specialists believe inflammation is a key factor in premature skin deterioration and a majority of internal issues. Because the body’s basic response is to protect itself from irritation via inflammation, many people believe this response is a positive one. However, several scientists and skin care professionals from around the world advise people to avoid inflammation altogether. Bottom line: Anything that causes redness, over heating, swelling and any kind of irritation maybe detrimental to a person’s overall wellbeing.
There are a few upsides to inflammation: It is a sign of the body attempting to repair an affected area by bringing blood to the site; it helps to remove intruding agents from the site; and the additional white blood cells arriving at the site help to counteract the aggressor. Still, individuals should avoid inflammation at all costs.
In simplest terms, inflammation is the body’s immediate reaction to guard itself from some type of damage caused by an environmental external invader. Without the crucial process of inflammation, the body cannot restore itself in the face of damage.


Essentially, all inflammation starts in an acute phase. The body becomes damaged in some capacity due to a foreign agent, and it responds immediately to repair the damage. In many cases, this reaction goes undetected. Signs are so mild that they are even unnoticeable. Once the threat is gone, the body is able to go back to a non-defensive state—and the inflammation process turns off.


That’s why long lasting inflammation is being labeled the 21st century’s number one challenge. Unlike its short form, long lasting internal inflammation can occur undetected because it falls just below the radar of discomfort and visible swelling. You feel nothing, or you may experience vague, unexplained signs for which there are no conventional answers. And while you search for answers or even ignore the signs altogether, your body’s inflammation process carries on for weeks, months, or even years—which compromises your immune system.
In my opinion, wellness is the absence of inflammation. A possible key to optimal wellness is to detect long lasting inflammation and address its root concerns promptly and effectively.

12 foods that fight inflammation 2


The signs of inflammation are many and varied — it’s been linked to everything from bloating to joint pain to sinus congestion and skin rashes. Although a clinical assessment is the only way to determine for sure if you suffer from inflammation, the more of the following symptoms you experience, the more likely you have low-grade inflammation, says Mark Hyman, MD, author of The UltraSimple Diet (Pocket Books, 2007).


•  Bloating, belching, passing gas
•  Diarrhea or constipation
•  Fatigue, sluggishness
•  Itchy ears or eyes
•  Dark circles or bags under eyes
•  Joint pain or stiffness
•  Throat tickle, irritation or coughing
•  Stuffy noise, sinus trouble, excessive mucus
•  Acne, cysts, hives or rashes
•  Ruddy, inflamed-looking skin
•  Flushing
•  Water retention, skin puffiness
•  Craving certain foods
•  Compulsive or binge eating

To mention a few, is a lot more to it.

raw-for-beauty antinflatory

The good news:

The beneficial Side of Inflammation:

It helps heal wounds the body will react immediately to a swelling in order to bring it down.This is the first attempt that the body makes to heal itself. The healing happens in stages. The first stage of healing is irritation, then it becomes inflammation, witch consist of swelling, rashes etc., If these attempts from the body don’t happen one safely assume that wounds and infections would not heal properly or at all.

It is part of our innate immunity,  we are born with it for most of us is a very lucky gift of life, because some people don’t have that luxury. This is called acquired immune deficiency or have an immune system that is too active among many other disorders of the immune system, so we should consider ourselves very lucky and take a minute to contemplate GRATITUDE, wouldn’t you think?

Water is a big part to help inflammation, insufficient water consumption causes toxicity of the body as well as constipation, tension,tightness, overeating, dryness, and kidney damage. Heat symptoms such as INFLAMMATION, fevers and feeling to warm can also be part of it.

Nutrients for inflammation::

Every Person require different dosages so consult a health practitioner if you are not sure, we are sharing information from authorities, still is a good idea to take the information and research what is the ideal for you.

Vitamin B complex          50mg 3 times a day              Need it for tissue repair

Vitamin B12                     2,000   daily

Vitamin C                         3,000 – 6,000 mg daily         Essential to the healing and reduction of inflammation. We recommend buffered.

Recommendation from  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/02/02/anti-inflammatory-foods-herbs-spices.aspx

Four Spices That Pack Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Results

For one week, 10 to 12 subjects in each of 13 groups consumed a small amount of a particular spice each day. For example, those in the oregano group ate just half a teaspoon of oregano daily for seven days. Blood samples were drawn one hour prior to consumption, and at the very end of the experiment.

The participants’ blood was then analyzed for antioxidant capacity. The researchers also analyzed how well the blood could dampen an induced inflammatory response in white blood cells.

This was done by placing the participants’ blood onto white blood cells that had been damaged by oxidized cholesterol (commonly found in fried foods). Even at the “everyday” dosage amounts given, four spices were found to be significantly effective at quelling the inflammatory response:

  1. Cloves
  2. Ginger
  3. Rosemary
  4. Turmeric

The use of these Spices in our food is perfectly useful for our bodes to stay inflammation free, as a maintenance, if it is a health challenge, your health practitioner may recommend higher dosages specifically designed for your personal needs.

Other Potent Anti-Inflammatory Spices

In an earlier study published in the Journal of Medicinal Foods it was found a direct correlation between the antioxidant phenol content of spice and herb extracts and their ability to inhibit glycation and block the formation of AGE compounds (advanced glycation end products), making them potent preventers of heart disease and premature aging.

Here, cloves were ranked as the most potent of 24 common herbs and spices found in your spice rack. In all, the following were found to be the top 10 most potent anti-inflammatory herbs and spices:

  1. Cloves
  2. Cinnamon
  3. Jamaican allspice
  4. Apple pie spice mixture
  5. Oregano
  6. Pumpkin pie spice mixture
  7. Marjoram
  8. Sage
  9. Thyme

To mention a few Spices and in order of importance.

A word of Caution: from https://www.bulletproofexec.com/best-anti-inflammatory-herbs-and-spices/

How To Avoid Mold Toxins in Spices and Herbs

You won’t be surprised to learn that mold toxins are found not just in coffee and food, but in spices and herbs too. The Bulletproof Diet book details how and why this happens, and all the best practices to pick the best spices and herbs.

The herb and spice industry is painfully aware of spoilage issues, which is why it’s become so common to irradiate spices.

This process exposes them to radiation so they become sterilized. Irradiation may destroy some of the anti-oxidant and health benefits of herbs and spices, and irradiated or not, herbs and spices can spoil easily in your own home. Herbs often contain naturally strong antifungal and antibacterial oils, so the species that can flourish on them are usually the most aggressive toxin-formers.

When you get that canister of paprika down from the back shelf, pry it open, and dump some into a steaming pot of food, you’re likely putting a substantial amount of toxin in, too, because the *last* time you did that, the steam entered the paprika package and started the mold growing. You’ll always find a few mold spores in natural products, and the environment in your spice cabinet above the stove is a perfect incubator.

This means it is critical to select your source accordingly:

  • One of the simplest things you can do to increase your performance is to toss out opened, dried spices that are more than a few months old.
  • Use high-quality, recently opened, fresh or dried herbs and spices, or don’t use them at all.
  • I’ve done my best to identify the rationale behind the spice rankings in the Bulletproof Diet Roadmap but there is always room for personal experimentation. Black pepper is so commonly contaminated that I moved it into the suspect zone! It’s up to you to decide where you go on the roadmap and how that makes you feel and perform.

If you’re eating an anti-inflammatory diet and including Spices as your ally, the suggestion here is to find the spices fresh. in the market, or you can grow them and have a direct relationship with them.


This is recommended by: Prescription for NUTRITIONAL HEALING by PHYLLIS A, BALCH,CNC.

Cartenoid complex, follow the label instructions this product strengthens the immune response.

Essential fatty acids, like evening primrose oil, flaxeed oil, fish oils mercury free, or fermented,use as directed on the label,they reduce overall inflammation.

Grape Seed extract this is am amazing powerful antioxidant, use as directed on label,

Proteolytic enzymes or Inflazyme Forte from America Biologics , use as directed on the label, is best used between meals and at bed time for 1 month, this aids controlling inflammation.

Superoxide dismutase (SOD), check the label for dosage, this is a high potency free radical scavenger that reduces infection and inflammation.

Zinc recommended 50 mg daily, is best not to exceed 100 mg daily from all supplements, this helps control inflammation and promotes healing,is recommended to use zinc gluconate lozenges or OptiZinc for best absorption.do not use Zinc for more than a month straight it can deplete other minerals.

Bromelain take on empty stomach and as directed on the label, 100 – 500 mg,is best used along with magnesium and 500 mg,and L-cysteine to enhance results, this supplements should be taken separately from copper and Iron.

Bromelain has anti-inflammatory activity and increases the breakdown of fibrin, which s known to form around the inflamed areas, blocking blood and lymphatic vessels.


Inflammation is fixable: “Our best tool to reverse inflammation isn’t a drug, but our diets,” says Barry Sears, PhD, a former research scientist at Boston University School of Medicine and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of the forthcoming Toxic Fat Syndrome. One of the best ways to snuff out inflammation is by heeding food sensitivities and intolerances. These are inflammatory responses that occur when the gut fails to break down certain foods.
The most notorious offenders are dairy, wheat, corn, sugar, soy, eggs, peanuts poor diet, mostly sugar,refined flours, processed foods, inflammatory fats such as transfats and unhealthy saturated fats,and STRESS is very inflammatory, Anger is inflamed thoughts. Keep a food diary to identify negative reactions (which may be delayed by hours or days after you’ve eaten), then root out food sensitivities by following an elimination diet for at least a week. (For more on that, see “False Fat” in the March/April 2003 archives.)
By eliminating the foods that irritate your body and eating more of those that help your body combat inflammation, you’ll get rid of a lot of bloating and water retention, produce fewer “weight-gain” hormones, and have more energy for activity, says Elson Haas, MD, medical director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin in San Rafael, Calif., and author of The False Fat Diet (Ballantine, 2001). That sounds like a slim-down strategy we can all live with.


Thankfully, the list of things that cause inflammation is relatively short:
• Poor diet–mostly sugar, refined flours, processed foods, and inflammatory fats such as trans and saturated fats
• Lack of exercise
• Stress
• Hidden or chronic infections with viruses, bacteria, yeasts, or parasites
• Hidden allergens from food or the environment
• Toxins such as mercury and pesticides
• Mold toxins and allergens




The Zone is not some mystical place or some clever marketing terms. It is a real physiological state in your body where the hormones that control silent inflammation are maintined in a zone that is not too high, but not too low. This requires treating food as if it were a drug to be taken at the right dose and at the right time. However, saying food is a drug is actually derogatory to food since your diet affects hormones that are hundreds of times more powerful than any drug. In many respects, food will be the most powerful drug you will ever take because you are using this drug at least three times a day for the rest of your life. Thus your diet can be your greatest ally or worst enemy because the hormonal rules for humans haven’t changed in the past 150,000 years, and they probably won’t change tomorrow.



Anti-inflammatory Recipes




Salmon and Quinoa Bowls with Kale and Tahini-Yogurt Sauce

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

Serving Size: 4



  • 1 cup white quinoa
  • 1 bunch Lacinato, Tuscan or dinosaur kale, thick stems removed and thinly sliced
  • 1 medium carrot, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • 2 cups cooked chickpeas, rinsed and drained if canned
  • 1/4 cup dried currants, cranberries or cherries
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds (optional)
  • Four 4-ounce sockeye salmon fillets (skin on)
  • For the sauce:
  • 1/4 cup tahini paste
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt


  1. In a medium saucepan, combine the quinoa and 2 cups water. Bring to a boil, cover, and reduce the heat to low. Cook for 15 minutes, then let stand covered for 10 minutes off the heat. Fluff with a fork and set aside.
  2. Meanwhile in a large mixing bowl, combine the kale, carrots, lemon juice, garlic, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1/2 teaspoon sea salt. With clean hands, toss the kale until very well coated in the lemon and oil. Add the cooked quinoa to the kale along with the chickpeas, dried fruit and hemp seeds (if using). Mix until well-incorporated and taste for seasoning.
  3. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large nonstick or cast iron skillet. Pat the salmon dry and season with salt. Cook the salmon skin-side down over high heat until nicely browned, 2-3 minutes. Carefully flip the fish and cook for another 2 minutes, until opaque up the sides.
  4. Divide the quinoa between 4 bowls and top with the seared salmon.
  5. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the ingredients for the sauce until smooth. Add more water as necessary to make the sauce drizzle-friendly. Spoon over the fish and serve immediately.


The quinoa and tahini sauce can be made up to 3 days in advance.



Moroccan Red Lentil Soup with Chard

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes

Serving Size: 4




  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 medium yellow onion, diced
  • 2 medium carrots, diced
  • 2 large cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chili flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • One 15-ounce can diced tomatoes
  • 1 cup dried split red lentils
  • 2 quarts vegetable stock
  • 1 bunch chard, stems removed, roughly chopped


  1. In a large stockpot or Dutch oven, heat the oil. Saute the onion and carrot over medium-high heat until soft and beginning to brown, 7 minutes. Add the garlic, cumin, ginger, turmeric, chili flakes, and salt. Cook one minute more. Stir in the tomatoes, scraping up any brown bits from the bottom of the pan, and cook until the liquid has reduced and the tomatoes are soft, 5 minutes.
  2. Add the lentils and stock. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer uncovered until the lentils are soft, 10 minutes. Fold in the chard and cook until wilted, but still vibrant, 5 more minutes. Taste for seasoning.
  3. Serve the soup in bowls with a wedge of lemon on the side or a dollop of Greek yogurt and some crusty bread.



Root Vegetable Tagine with Kale

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes

Serving Size: 6-8




  • 2 tablespoons olive or coconut oil
  • 1 large sweet onion, diced
  • 1 medium parsnip, peeled and diced
  • 2 large cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 3 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 2 medium purple potatoes (or sub regular Yukon gold), peeled and diced
  • 2 bunches baby carrots, peeled (or sub 2 medium diced carrots)
  • 1 quart vegetable stock
  • 2 cups roughly chopped kale leaves
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • ¼ cup cilantro leaves, roughly chopped
  • Pepitas or toasted slivered almonds, for serving (optional)


  1. In a large stock pot or Dutch oven, heat the oil. Sauté the onion over medium-high heat until soft, 5 minutes. Add the parsnip and cook until beginning to turn golden brown, 3 more minutes. Stir in the garlic, ground cumin, ginger, cinnamon, salt, cayenne, and tomato paste. Cook until very fragrant, 2 minutes. Fold in the sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, and carrots. Cover with vegetable stock and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are tender, about 20 minutes.
  2. Stir in the kale and lemon juice. Simmer for another 2 minutes, until the leaves are vibrant and slightly wilted. Garnish with the cilantro and nuts, if using, and serve over quinoa or couscous.


You can simplify the ingredient list by only choosing a couple types of root vegetable. Most of the other ingredients are pantry staples, so don’t be intimidated!







Anti-Inflammatory Diet Tips From Dr. Andrew Weil



The Perricone Anti Inflammatory Diet



The Inflammatory Response



23 Ways To Get Rid Of Inflammation and Joint Pain – Saturday Strategy


All roads lead to Inflammation with Dr. Barry Sears – Delgado Protocol


David Wolfe on Inflammation









Michael’s Naturopathic Programs Xtra Recovery W-Zymes

Proteolytic enzyme support formula for muscle excursion, Supports joints and tendons in both athletes and the elderly, Support’s the body’s natural inflammatory response.


The Inflammation Solution: When Everything Works and Nothing Hurts

What “itis” is in your body? You will find the solution to your inflammation problem in this book. Enjoy not only a trusted-science-made-simple-and-fun-approach, but also sit back and smile. To tackle a confusing medical problem like inflammation, Dr. Sears writes with the intent: “If you laugh, you will learn – and heal.” Join in as you take a trip through the hurtings in your body and learn how to heal them: – Why you hurt, how you heal – Enjoy the six-S anti-inflammatory diet – Help your body make its own medicines – Handle stress – Raise a less-inflamed child – Stay lean, and less inflamed – Eat gut-friendly foods – Ease hip, back and knee pain – Enjoy a smarter and less-inflamed brain – Use more self-help skills and fewer pills





The Anti-Inflammation Zone

What do these devastating illnesses have in common? All three have been linked to silent inflammation, a condition that occurs when the body’s natural immune response goes awry. Silent inflammation can continue undetected for years, continually assaulting the heart, arteries, and even the brain — and you will not even know it.

New research confirms that obesity is a primary cause of silent inflammation. And inflammation is the smoking gun that links excess body fat to today’s epidemic rise in heart disease, cancer, dementia, and countless other health threats. Although the science of this relationship is complex, the bottom line is simple: If not detected and reversed, silent inflammation will devastate generations of Americans and bankrupt an increasingly stressed health care system. The medical establishment appears to be ignorant about this problem, politicians don’t talk about it — and yet virtually everyone in the country is affected by it.






The Inflammation Diet: Complete Guide to Beating Pain and Inflammation with Over 50 Anti-Inflammatory Diet Recipes Included

Inflammation has been called the “silent killer” and it has been linked to a wide variety of illnesses including heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, and cancer. Often, the root of chronic inflammation is in the foods we eat. The Inflammation Diet: Complete Guide to Beating Pain and Inflammation will show you how, by making simple changes to your diet, you can greatly reduce inflammation in your body and reduce your symptoms and lower your risk of chronic disease. The book includes a complete plan for eliminating inflammation and implementing an anti-inflammatory diet: • Overview of inflammation and the body’s immune response – what can trigger it and why chronic inflammation is harmful • The link between diet and inflammation • Inflammatory foods to avoid • Anti-inflammatory foods to add to your diet to beat pain and inflammation • Over 50 delicious inflammation diet recipes • A 14-day meal plan Take charge of your health and implement the inflammation diet to lose weight, slow the aging process, eliminate chronic pain, and reduce the likelihood and symptoms of chronic disease.





Fall and The Lung in Traditional Chinese Medicine




Here on week 188 we are sharing Lung health according to ancient Chinese Medicine, we wish this research and tips will help you and family stay healthy, and happy through the season.

And we wish to thank you all for the amazing support all over the planet is just huge we are so thankful.

There is a slight nip in the air. The days are starting to get shorter and just as the squirrels have gotten down to the business of storing nuts for the winter. Fall is the beginning of the yin cycle when the daylight lasts less than twelve hours. It’s a time of harvest when we gather the colorful fruits and vegetables for winter storage. Pumpkins and squashes are our symbols of bounty. We also store wood for the fire and get out our warm clothes for the colder, darker days of winter.

Lung & Large Intestine Organ System

From: http://www.chineseherbsforyou.com/lung-diseases-chinese-medicine-s/6119.htm

The Protector

The Lung Organ System energy is descending and is associated with the distribution of Wei Qi outward to your muscles and skin in their nourishment and protection. It is associated with the emotions of grief and sadness, the element metal, the color of white or metal luster, the season of fall, bodily fluids that lubricate, the Wei Qi or immune protection and the Large Intestines. The Lung Organ System opens into the sinus and nasal passages and is directly related to respiratory and circulatory energy especially of water. The Lung Organ System is responsible for the mixing of air [Gong Qi] and food [Gu Qi] received by the Spleen creating Essential Zong Qi.

The Lung’s task is that of making a boundary between the inner and the outer world. The inner environment needs to be protected by a clear boundary which both defends and defines the person. Across this boundary vital materials can be taken in and waste materials excreted. The most vital and obvious material that the Lung takes in is oxygen; but as we shall see, the Lung, in Chinese medicine, is more than the respiratory system. The Lung has to do with boundary, breath and renewal.

The skin is like an outer lung and the pores are seen as the ‘doors of Qi’. The skin also breathes and exchanges substances with the outer environment. Its healthy functioning is seen as an aspect of Lung function. Beneath the skin the protective energy known as Wei Qi is said to circulate, defending the body against invasion from pathogenic forces.


fall alandscape 10-3-14

From: http://www.meridianpress.net/articles/thelung-chinesemedicine.html

The Lung’s paired Organ, the Colon, is concerned with release and elimination. The Lung and Colon together are related to immunity, the strength of the protective boundary. Pathogens most easily enter through the respiratory and digestive systems and the Lung and Colon are responsible for maintaining the integrity of these systems so that they are not penetrated by invaders. According to Chinese medicine, the body’s defensive energy is directly dependent on the strength of the Lung and Colon.Another organ that the Lung works with is the Spleen. After receiving food nutrients from the Spleen, the Lung mix them with the air you breath to create healthy QI. It then sends the healthy Qi to the rest of the Organs and throughout the entire body. The remaining impure Qi is expelled through the nose, your pores, and the large intestine.

When is Lung imbalance, it means your Lungs ability to distribute and regulate internal water flow by turning some of the Qi into moisture. After receiving nutrients from the Spleen , the Lungs transform this form of QI into a fine mist that permeates the body from head to toe, inward toward the center of your body and outward to the surface of your skin. It produces the soft, dewey, and lustrous appearance that your skin craves, when this delicate balance is of is like a plant without water.

lungs in a blue body9-24 14


The Lung’s physical expression as the boundary between the organism and its environment is expressed at the psychological level as a sense of one’s personal boundary. A clear psychological boundary enables us to know who we are, to meet another and to establish clear relationship. When the sense of boundary is strong we can receive experience through the boundary and communicate outwards through it; the boundary is flexible and responsive, opening to receive ‘good’ influences and closing to screen out ‘bad’ influences. It enables us to say ‘yes’ to what we want and ‘no’ to what we don’t want.

Whereas the Spleen is archetypally related to the mother, the Lung is archetypally related to the father. Traditionally it is the father who teaches a sense of self-value and helps us to leave home and find our place in the world. Good fathering teaches boundary, and helps with individuation and separation from the mother. The Lung is therefore concerned with feelings of self-esteem and respect for both ourselves and others. Knowing who we are, believing in our self-worth and taking our place in the world are all part of the realm of the Lung.

Finally, the Lung’s role as boundary-keeper may be metaphorically extended to the boundaries we keep in our own home. Well-maintained fences, sensible security, clean windows and a well-kept exterior are domestic expressions of Lung energy.



Lung complementary organ : large Intestine

The lungs govern the desire for structure and boundaries, so a lung type’s personality is also well defined and structured. The lung types keep their emotions in check and they intellectualize their feelings, they are usually contain and controlled.

Skin issues Nourish the Lungs

The role of the lung for healthy skin:

Healthy lungs are personified in glowing skin, due to Lung’s primary responsibility, which is to nourish and maintain healthy pore size, skin and proper breathing among many other rolls.

Eastern medicine has an expansive concept of the role of the Lung. The believe is that the Lungs are responsible for all parts of the body that “Breath”. This includes the skin, the largest organ of the body, with pores that cover us from head to toe. Consequently when the Lungs are healthy your skin is soft and dewy and your pore size is even.When the Lungs are weak, your skin changes texture and quality. I becomes thick or thin, dull or blemish, dry or oily.Damage to your Lungs can happen in many ways. Weather conditions, especially overexposure to wind, cold, and heat aside from pollution like cigarette smoke etc. Excessive sadness or grief,due to the combination of emotional turmoil and too many tears, affects the Lungs and it can have a profound impact on Lung types.
As with all organs, the imbalance of one organ can impact the Lungs. Spleen dampness or Kidney weakness are the conditions most likely to interfere with Lung Qi. by the same token,a weakness in theLungs can negatively impact the large intestine, wish is why Lung types are prone to bowel issues.
Wester medicine believe we are all born with a skin type – normal, oily, dry, a combination of oily and dry, or sensitive.that it  is yours for life and doesn’t change much. Eastern medicine see it different. Chinese doctrine says we are all born with normal skin.When skin becomes oily, dry, or a combination of both, or is sensitive is not destiny or skin condition we just pick up, is most likely due to Lung Qi imbalance.
The skin, as part of the Lung system, can be nourished by rubbing with a good cotton towel or dry brushing these will help maintain the skin’s health and support the immune system. Wearing natural fibbers will allow the skin to breathe freely; going naked from time to time when weather and circumstances allow will also help the skin to breathe. Moderate sunbathing will nourish the skin, although overexposure may be damaging.

Among the outside factors that affect Lung Qi environmental conditions, such as weather changes, pollution, excessive lifestyle, such as poor diet or too much drinking,fluctuating hormones, specially around menstruation.


If you have gone through, or are currently going through, a great deal of grief, sadness or loss and has not been able to “cut off” or resolve the connection you may have weakened Lung or Protective Wei Qi. Disharmonies associated with weak Lung Qi may appear as shortness of breath, chronic lung illnesses [or a chronically low general immune system] and a chronic cough. An important raw formula that helps in replenishing the Lung Qi Depletion would be the Immune & Energy Enhancement Formula.

Emotionally there is likely to be constraint and sadness, perhaps a hiding within one’s boundary. There may be lack of self-esteem, harsh judgment of both self and others and failure to respect or understand one’s own and others’ boundaries. Dignity may turn to false pride, leaving a person feeling alone and separate. It may be hard to claim a place in the world.

Related Lung & Large Intestine Disharmonies

Research the below Disharmonies on our Chinese Medicine Search

• Chronic cough
• Spontaneous sweating
• Dry throat/nasal passage
• Mental and physical fatigue
• Low immune
• Unresolved sadness/grief
• Dry, flaking skin
• Shortness of breath
• Edema of the body and extremities [water retention]
• Night sweats
• Constipation
• Fungal skin problems

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, our lungs are one of the most important parts of our body to protect when preventing a cold. They are considered the most superficial organ in the body, and are thus most vulnerable to insult from the outside environment.

The lungs are thought to be most active in the fall, and also play a large part in our body’s defense systems. Nourishing the lungs by incorporating certain foods into your diet and avoiding others when you are sick may help you get over colds and flus faster – especially if infections tend to settle in your lungs.

The lungs control the circulation of an energy called Wei-Qi, (pronounced “way chee“) or defensive Qi, which is responsible for protection against infections like colds and flus. The defensive Qi travels throughout the body just under the skin surface, keeping you warm and preventing illness. Nourishing the lungs and Wei-Qi at this time of year may help you avoid colds and flus or bronchitis.


Foods that complement the Lung



from: http://chinesemiracleherb.com/five-colors-that-nourish-five-organs/

White moistens lungs
Common white color foods include white beans, winter melon, pear, white radish, white fungus, lotus root, lily, wild rice, rice, tofu, cauliflower, bamboo shoots, yam, jicama and so on.


winter melon



white radish






Foods that nourish Wei-Qi

One classic food to nourish the lungs are pears – also known as the singer’s fruit. Pears help to keep the lungs clear and moist, useful during a dry cough. Warm drinks help nourish the lungs – try a warming concoctions like shredded ginger root steeped into a tea sweetened with honey and a bit of lemon. Other warming foods for the lungs include onions, garlic, horseradish, radish, mustard, cabbage and turnip. Many of these foods have a pungent quality that is thought to help protect the lungs.

Raw or lightly cooked is best, try including onion and garlic at the end of cooking a homemade soup. Eating veggies that are dark green or orange may offer protection to the lungs thanks to their high content of vitamin A. Other foods that help protect the lungs include carrots, broccoli, pumpkin and squash, kale, parsley, turnip and nettle tea. Marshmallow root tea and fenugreek are also excellent nourishing foods.

Unless you have wind cold in your Lungs, it is especially important to avoid foods and beverages that are drying and will rob your body of moisture, is best to avoid

Alcoholic beverages ( although cooking with wine is okay because it acts as a carrier to expedite the effects of other ingredients )


Caffeinated drinks in general

Spicy foods


Lung function Possible symptoms of imbalance
Govern Qi and respiration Congestion and pain along the respiratory systemShortness of breath, cough, dyspnoeaLack of vitality, tirednessWeak voice
Control dispersing and descending Water accumulation (oedema) especially in upper body or under the skinThickening of fluids and accumulation of phlegmDryness in the skin or anywhere in the respiratory systemCough, breathlessness, oppression in the chestConstipation/ Urinary retention
Rule the Exterior of the body Allergic reactions (particularly respiratory and dermatological)Low immunity, tendency to catch coldsDry, rough skinSneezingItching and skin rashesNo sweating/spontaneous sweating
Open into the nose and manifest in the body hair Blocked nasal passages, sinus problemsImpaired sense of smellNose-bleedsImpaired thermo-regulationLoss of body hair
House the Corporeal soul Chronic sadness, depressionInability to “engage” or feel emotionsLow self-esteem/feeling of self-worthFear of change and extreme attachment to people, things or situations


Foods to Eat When You Are Sick

Foods that help dry dampness in the lungs are often bitter. These may include lettuce, celery, turnip, rye, asparagus, vinegar, papaya and chamomile tea. Also try miso soup with green onions and root vegetables.

Foods that may promote mucous formation and dampness are the ones you should try and avoid especially if you have a runny nose or productive cough. These include dairy products, heavy meat products, tofu, soy, pineapple, salty foods and very sweet foods.

Citrus fruits and spinach should also be avoided as these are cooling foods that can promote dampness. Foods high in processed sugar are also thought to create phlegm. Try avoiding these when you get sick to recover faster!


Healthy Lung Habits

Use a scarf or collar to cover the front and back of your neck when you go outside, and make sure to have your lower back covered. These two areas are called our ‘wind gates’, where wind has a chance to enter and cause cold and flu symptoms in the lungs. Avoid drafts and wind.

  • Let go of pre-conceived ideas and prejudices that serve no purpose in your life: Just as we need to de-clutter our environment and our inner space, clearing out mental waste such as culturally acquired ideas that hold no truth but which stop us from engaging with people and situations is important for good health and the renewal of our energy.
  •  Seize the moment: The Lung energy fuels our ability to be in the moment and is nourished by our enjoyment of the present. As children, we tended to inhabit our bodies powerfully and to experience each moment fully. As we grow up, many of us lose this ability so as adults staying in the moment needs to be achieved through deep breathing and accessing a grounding calm that allows us to engage with what is happening now. Activities that help us “be in the body” as opposed to trapped inside the mind such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong or Yoga can also provide us with tools that help us achieve this.
  • Detach yourself: The Lungs have the ability to constantly renew our energy through a combination of elimination of what is no longer needed and a continuous intake of potentially new energy. This implies an ability to recognise what needs to be discarded and a willingness to allow it to go. Understanding that everything in life – things, ideas, situations, people – is transient enables us to go smoothly from one stage of life to the next. When we are reluctant to accept this reality, we may remain in grief and pain until we make room for new things to come.




Chinese Herbs for Strengthening Lungs



Huang Qi (Astragalus Root)


Tian Men Dong

Tian Men Dong





Licorice root

 Licorice Root



Reishi Mushroom






Herbal Lung Cleanser from Traditional Chinese Medicine regimen TCM way to keep healthy the organ


Chinese Herbal Medicine Formula for the Lungs and Grief


5 Minute Healing Sounds Qi Gong for Healthy Lungs!




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Jessica Simpson Long Soft Shell with Bib

Perfect for any occasion!





















Cupping for Beauty and Wellbeing


Lady getting cup theraphy for beauty



This week 187, we are sharing an ancient procedure that has been used for thousands of years in many cultures. I grew up with it our NANA.  She was Mapuche and Quero Indian and she used cupping to help us with ailments from pains to fevers and so much more. It is an amazing procedure and it really works for so many conditions. When I lived in China, I started back on it and learned that they use it for Cosmetic purposes too, and WOW it does create very substantial results. The procedures are used for Cellulite, wrinkles, and scars to reduce fat deposits for face  lifts and many other treatments.

We recommend for you to get the work done by a professional and to consult your Health practitioner before you embark in any health related treatments. Acupuncture Doctors will be glad to tell you all the benefits and contradictions. Enjoy and share these procedures with others, they are life changing in many ways.


Definition of cupping

The word cupping was derived from the Arabic verbs “ Hajama” and :Haj’jama” by that they mean to minimize or to restore to basic size, or to diminish in volume.In Arabic  is a verb “ahjama” which means TO withdraw or retreat from attack.




Ancient Cupping Tools Carved on Stone


carved cups on stone

History of Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy, has been around for thousands of years.  It developed over time from the original use of hollowed out animal horns (the Horn Method) to treat boils and suck out the toxins out of snakebites and skin lesions. Horns slowly evolved into bamboo cups, which were eventually replaced by glass. Therapeutic applications evolved with the refinement of the cup itself, and with the cultures that employed cupping as a health care technique.




Bamboo Cups

cupping Bamboo cups

Animal Horns Cupping

Cupping with horns

Ancient Cupping Tools




M0006349 Bloodletting appliances. Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images images@wellcome.ac.uk http://wellcomeimages.org Bloodletting appliances. 1-2. Bamboo silver and shells used for scarification. 3. Miniature bow and arrow used for scarification. New Guinea. 4. Lancet (ponga kini) used for scarification. Tuvalu. 5. Mallet used in conjunction with ponga kini. 1. Lancet used for venesection. Tuvalu. 2. Cupping horn. Africa. 3. Gourd cupping vessel. Africa. 4. Cupping glass. Algeria. 5. Cupping vessel. Algeria. Published: - Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

M0006349 Bloodletting appliances.
Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images
Bloodletting appliances.
1-2. Bamboo silver and shells used for scarification.
3. Miniature bow and arrow used for scarification. New Guinea.
4. Lancet (ponga kini) used for scarification. Tuvalu.
5. Mallet used in conjunction with ponga kini.
1. Lancet used for venesection. Tuvalu.
2. Cupping horn. Africa.
3. Gourd cupping vessel. Africa.
4. Cupping glass. Algeria.
5. Cupping vessel. Algeria.
Published: –
Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/





For most part common information consider the Chinese to be responsible for cupping, however, the earliest records date back to the ancient Egyptians around 1500 B.C.  Translations of hieroglyphics in the Ebers Papyrus, the oldest  medical text book, detail the use of cupping for treating fever, pain, vertigo, menstrual imbalances, weakened appetite intestinal illness and many other conditions helping to accelerate the healing crisis.

From the Egyptians, cupping was introduced to the ancient Greeks, where Hippocrates, the Greek doctor, Father of Modern Medicine and cupping advocate, viewed cupping as a remedy for almost every type of disease, he mentions it in the 400 BC  In fact, other Greek physicians used the strong suction of cupping to restore spinal alignment by reducing dislocated vertebrae from protruding inward.

The earliest recorded use of cupping came from the famous alchemist and herbalist, Ge Hong (281-341 A.D.), who popularized the saying “Acupuncture and cupping, more than half of the ills cured.”

Though little known here in North America, this form of treatment is still popular through Asia,the middle East, Finland South America and many other countries..As such, it is called by many names including Ba gwan, giac hoi, bekam, buhang, ventosa, bentusa in South west Asia. In the middle East, it is commonly referred as hijama, hejamat, and badkesh among many others.

The procedure involves using glass or ceramic cups, metal bells, bamboo tubes, animal horns, and a wide variety of other tools. However, recently the use of glass jars, plastic, and silicone are more popular, the common procedures from acupuncture practitioners is to use a cotton soaked in alcohol or medicated oil and ignited, this is place a side the container to heat it, lowering its internal pressure, the cup is immediately placed on the skin, and as the air inside cools, it creates a vacuum effect  which makes the cup to stick in a vacuum suction to the skin. Blood immediately rushes to the area,creating a natural body response.



cupping- sepia 620x330




There are two types of cupping: wet and dry.

The Dry Cupping session Usually this dry type of cupping is offered as part of a series and is used along with another therapy, and is applied to the back neck and  shoulders,rarely to the limbs.Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the blood will flow better to the areas that are starved of oxygen.

More and more practitioners are using plastic or silicone cups versus glass ones

The Chinese expanded the utilization of cupping to include its use in surgery to divert blood flow from the surgery site.  In the 1950’s, after much extensive research, a collaborative effort between the former Soviet Union and China confirmed the clinical efficacy of cupping therapy. Since then, cupping has become a part of government-sponsored hospitals of Traditional Chinese medicine.

In time cupping spread to ancient cultures in many countries of Europe and even the Americas.  Throughout the 18th century, European and American doctors widely used cupping in their practices to treat common colds and chest infections, often in the form of Wet Cupping.

Wet Cupping, also known as Artificial Leeching and Hijamah in Muslim societies, is where the practitioner makes tiny incisions in the skin to dredge the blood or poisons out.

By the late 1800’s, cupping became less popular and was severely criticized and discredited by the newly established scientific model of medicine. Since cupping was a surface treatment, with this new medical paradigm, which had shifted away from hands-on manipulative therapies for most part.

Cupping therapy gradually became reduced to a mere curiosity and history of the past, for most part collecting dust on practitioners’ shelves.  In 2004 Cupping re-emerged as a hot new celebrity trend in the lime light of a New York film festival, where actress Gwyneth Paltrow’s, Jennifer Aniston and other celebrities backs revealed their fresh cupping marks.   Countless celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Victoria Beckham and Denise Richards followed suit and became fast adopters of this hot new cupping trend.  Unfortunately, some of the Hollywood buzz viewed the celeb’s cupping marks as simply bruises and rolled their eyes at its potential healing benefits.

Jeniffer Aniston cupping marks


Wenith Paltrow cupping marks


Over the past three years however, a handful of new studies have shown it helps relieve back, neck, carpal tunnel and knee pain among many other benefits.  One thing is certain, and that is cupping is a powerful healing modality that can complement many healthcare modalities ranging from spa treatments to medical massage and physical therapy.

Vacuum massage has a beneficial effect on the body:

  1. it improves the blood circulation and lymphatic drainage;
  2. it increases the supply oxygen of tissue;
  3. it accelerates the metabolism;
  4. it facilitates the removal of toxins from the body;
  5. it improves the immunity.
  6. Increased local qi and blood circulation to the skin
  7. Drawing nutrients to the surface
  8. Enhancing absorption of lotions or serums

Lets talk about cupping in the beauty world, for cellulite, face lift, Wrinkles, general circulation, edema, inflammation and improving blood circulation to the skin and by gently stimulating the fibroblast cells, which produce natural collagen and elastin, your skin will reveal a healthy glow and plump those fine lines.



Facial cupping


Facial cupping is said to clear heat and serves as a method of detoxifying the skin: it also drains stagnant fluids and eases puffiness.

Cupping is used either as a stand alone treatment, or as an addition to acupuncture facial treatment, facial cupping has benefits far beyond reducing fine lines and sagging jowls.

While traditional cupping can leave marks on the skin, facial cupping does not. Cosmetic facial cupping is entirely painless and is not an irritant to the skin it must be done preferably with oil or a very emollient cream. Cupping can be a very unique way to prolong the wellbeing of skin and  of the aging time.

The procedure itself takes anywhere from 15 minutes to half hour to perform depending if it is combined with other methods and the therapist that preforms the procedure. After applying a lotion or oil, a small cup is either placed for a few seconds over a deep wrinkle to increase blood flow to the area, or it is moved along the face and down the neck to drain lymphatic fluid and stimulate blood flow. Cups are placed over acupuncture points on the face for short periods of time to stimulate them as part of the overall treatment this procedure is best done by a professional due to the fact that they know the points and and the amount of suction so you don’t create a bruise.

Done properly, cupping therapy will bring collagen to the surface and increase blood flow, reduce puffiness, dark circles and diminish fine lines. But the benefits go beyond just cosmetic, facial cupping can be very beneficial to drain nasal sinuses and the lymphatic system.

When increased of local blood supply it will bring nourishment to the muscles and skin and allow for toxins to be carried away via the veins and the lymphatic system.

Is a movement in the beauty industry that is taking us back to non-surgical and more traditional beauty methods with astounding results.

Cosmetic Facial Cupping is a wonderful and effective alternative to chemical , Laser or surgical facelift.




Contemporary Cupping Therapy for Health and Beauty


from: http://nabuxmont.com/2015/02/24/contemporary-cupping-therapy-for-health-and-beauty/



Cupping therapy is a safe, comfortable and effective treatment for many health disorders, with roots in ancient medical practice, in cultures as diverse as Egypt, Greece, Rome, Aztec, Native American, China and more. The current influence of Traditional Chinese Medicine and traditional Ayurvedic medicine has seen a reintegration of this healing therapy.

There are many methods of cupping, including stationary, dynamic, massage, bio-magnetic and facial rejuvenation cupping, among others. This modality can be integrated into other bodywork or received as a stand-alone treatment for stubborn conditions and orthopedic injuries. In many applications, the results from cupping protocols are comparable to other expensive and painful treatments.

The gentle pulling action of massage cupping engages the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing the body to float into deep relaxation. A sense of lightness, warmth and relaxation often lasts for hours—or even days—after treatment.

Using suction and negative pressure, a vacuum is created, lifting skin, muscles and connective tissues. The slow movement of the cups is able to penetrate deep into the muscles and fascia, releasing rigid soft tissue, gently loosening adhesions to break up and drain stagnation, while increasing blood and lymphatic flow. A cupping treatment offers many of the benefits of deep tissue, lymphatic drainage, sports massage, abdominal massage and myofascial release not possible using tissue compression.




If the Massage Cup is left in one area too long, a temporary ‘cup mark or bruise can occur and it won’t be the result you are wish to acomplish so is best to exercise care.  If you are concerned about how your skin might react, test the product on a part of your body that is not normally exposed. use it for longer than two seconds on each area of your skin, then gradually increase the time to no longer than one minute as you gain experience and here we are speaking of a massage not continuos suction.

Do not use the face cup on pimples, blemishes, open lesions, sunburned or broken skin or on skin inflammations.

Drink plenty of water to help your body release toxins by itself.


On a therapeutic level, cupping is beneficial for many health conditions including:



High blood pressure

Sinus congestion

Frozen shoulder

Chronic colon



Sports injuries

Carpal tunnel


Migraines and tension headaches

Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.


It is also beneficial for the treatment of pain, disorders of the digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems and to support detoxification.

The increased circulation of blood and lymph, drainage of waste and the loosening of adhesions improves the appearance of varicose veins, scar tissue and stretch marks and lessens the appearance of dimpling on the thighs, hips and buttocks associated with cellulite.

Digestive function cupping therapy as a whole may be enhanced by abdominal cupping procedure. This is a very gentle treatment that stimulates the organs and the secretion of digestive fluids, and increases peristaltic movement and promotes better nutrient absorption overall.

The respiratory system responds very well to cupping therapy and breathing can improve for those with asthma. Sinus congestion, infection and inflammation are directly relieved by the loosening and draining effects of the cups.

Stubborn and painful joint conditions may benefit by the stretching of connective tissues with cupping procedures, it creates an increased circulation and improved secretion of synovial fluid, thereby releasing congestion and stiffness and improving the range of motion in most cases.

Facial rejuvenation therapy has been practiced in Asia, Europe and Russia for generations.


Cupping aids in detoxification. When the body is subjected to food additives, preservatives and other external toxins that it is unable to break down and release, the toxins often become stored in the body, increasing an overall sense of malaise or muscle and joint pain.

It is recommended to drink lots of water when you are doing cupping procedures to aid moving toxins out of the body easily.

The suction process of cupping therapy pulls cellular debris and toxic waste to the surface, where it is released through the skin or picked up by the blood and lymph for elimination.

Whether looking for improved flexibility, more vitality, enhanced immune system, increased digestive function or to support detoxification, consider a contemporary cupping treatment and experience feeling lighter and more energized.

Banner with cupping and text


Cupping Body Massage System includes superior medical grade silicone cups. These hand-squeezed vacuum suction cups are based on the healing success of Ancient Chinese Cupping.

First apply plenty of lotion or oil to the area to facilitate smooth movement and that will help avoid bruising.

Is recommended to start with the softer cup. Begin by squeezing the cup in the middle to create a very light suction. Place the cup’s lip to your skin and release make sure you do this gently and don’t grab to much skin and do not keep the cup in one place with a big suction it may cause a bruise, Move the cup over your skin using straight-line, circular and zigzag movements to massage the area for about eight minutes at a time. Drain the area by moving the cup toward the nearest lymph nodes.

Lymph glands draining direction of Head








Doing this technique doesn’t require any special preparation. The results are dramatic and best done on a consistent daily basis,after the third week be patient start slowly and increase to an every day routine or at least four times a day, is recommended to start twice a week for the first week and and a third day the second week is best to start slow and increase the amount of time so your body can adjust. The massage should not be painful, squeeze the cup so it is comfortable for you.

Gradually increase suction to stimulate circulation, remove stagnation, and release built up “sludge.” Once your skin has become more elastic graduate into the use of a hard cup. Continue to use the softer cup for more sensitive areas such as the arms, stomach, and inner thighs. The hard cup can be used on the back or other less sensitive areas always remember to do the massage in the direction of the Lymph nodes direction for drainage.



According to http://www.bellabaci.com/facial-massage/



There are 2 silicone cups in the Bellabaci Facial Massage System. Start with the softer cup, graduate onto the harder cup after a few weeks once your skin becomes elasticized enough.

Apply cleanser, cream or nourishing oil to your face and neck, to facilitate smooth movement.

Squeeze the cup in the middle, then place the cup’s lips to your skin and release. Congratulations you’ve just given yourself your first Bellabaci kiss.

Massage according to the diagram provided.

Tone your skin afterwards.

Use 2-3 times a week for best results.


  • In Bellabaci Facial Massage System There are 2 superior grade medical silicone cups.Is recommended to start with the softer cup, graduate onto the harder cup after a few weeks once your skin becomes elasticized enough so you don’t create unnecessary pulling of the tissue  .
  • To start apply a generous amount of cleanser, cream or nourishing oil to your face and neck, to facilitate smooth movement. We recommend our Bellabaci Skin Get A Life Genie, a powerful treatment lotion that turns into a luxurious oil, this treatment contains the modalities of Homeopathic and Aromatherapeutic complexes to stimulate skin renewal and repair.
  • By Squeezing the cup in the middle, and then placing the cup’s lips to your skin and release you are on your way. Congratulations you’ve just given yourself your first Bellabaci kiss. Now , remember to keep the cup moving to avoid bruising!
  • Massage according to the diagram provided on the box.
  • Tone your skin afterwards. Use 2 – 3 times a week for best results.


When improving blood circulation with the Facial Massage by gently stimulating the fibroblast cells, natural collagen and elastin is produced and improved you must have consistency. Your skin will show a healthy glow Massage the face and neck according to the diagram provided. Apply your favorite toner and anti ageing moisturizer after the Facial Massage completion and enjoy your well toned glowing skin. 




How to work on Broken capillaries, also known as Telangiectasia, it can negatively have an influence on one’s confidence levels. Broken Capillaries become visible between the ages of 30-50 and sometimes much earlier. The tiny vessels are you find just under the surface of the skin are delicate and can be bruised or damaged quite easily so is best to be gentle with them. Pressure or one of the mentioned factors below, may cause them to dilate and break.  Once broken, they veins remain that way and for most part cannot constrict back to their normal thickness or repair themselves for so many reasons.


Main Causes of Broken Capillaries:

  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption
  • Extreme temperature
  • Using to hot of water in the shower or when washing the skin
  • Excessive harsh rubbing of the skin
  • Certain medications such as sinus medications, cortisones
  • Related skin disorders or complications such as Rosacea or Acne
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Allergies (causing excessive sneezing, thus putting pressure on capillaries) and many other reasons

What else contributes to broken capillaries?

Broken capillaries become more prominent as you get more mature, because your skin gets thinner due to some collagen loss and there forth  with it becomes easier to see the veins. Some conditions can also be hereditary, if your parents had problems with telangiectasia rosacea; chances are you may have the experience yourself.

When you have excessive consumption of alcohol over a long time you can increase the blood pressure, causing the veins in to dilate.  The repeated dilation may lock the veins in that position.  Broken capillaries may also indicate liver issues.

What you can do apart from using sunscreen, lowering alcohol use, adding gentler facial products and in general being more conscious about are overall behavior. The many options of treatments offered to rid of broken capillaries are some times painful and expensive. Some of the testaments offered  include Schlerotherapy and laser/IPL treatments and more. Results are not truly guaranteed and and for most part repeated sessions may be required if the results are not accomplished.


How you can treat your broken capillaries more easily and naturally.

One easy way out is to use your Facial Bellabaci Cup set combined with our innovative formula of products designed for these purpose, The Skin Get a Life Genie. The negative pressure from the cup allows new fresh blood and oxygen to help  the damaged capillaries, immediately improving the redness, you will notice that as you use your cup, you will observe the vein that looks blue will become red, and then lighter until everything disappears. It almost feels like an illusion as it disappears before your eyes. The Homeopathic Synergies and Aromatic oils in the Genie will also assist to strengthen your skin and reduce visibility and occurrence. Make this a part of your daily routine, just a few minutes per day and your skin will continuously repair itself, also addressing the thickness of your skin by regenerating collagen.















Skin Get a Life Facial Kit from Bellabaci

The perfect trio to give you that glowing skin you have been dreaming about. The Skin Get a Life Facial Kit includes: 1 x Deep Cleanse-Pro Mitt 1 x 4oz Skin Get a Life Genie in a Bottle 1 x Face Cup Set (1x soft and 1 hard cup in a set) Start your skin care regime by achieving the perfect cleans. All you need to do so is the Deep Cleanse-Pro Mitt. Just wet it with warm (not too hot) water, and wipe away your make up and the day’s stresses. To cleanse, just rinse and hang to dry. Follow by applying your Skin Get a Life Genie in a bottle. This Genie is a gel that turns into a luxurious oil and treats all your skin concerns, which includes: Dry and Dehydrated skin Itchy skin, Psoriasis and Eczema Broken Capillaries Ageing skin Wrinkles and lines Crow’s feet Fluid retention in areas such as under eye bags Poor circulation Use your Bellabaci Facial Cups over your Skin Get a Life Genie to increase product penetration, and to deeply stimulate the skin for repair and renewal. Regular facial massage helps to stimulate collagen and elastin production, which delays the ageing process and gives you that instant glow healthy skin has.








Premium Quality Cupping Set w/ 19 Cups, 10 Acu-pressure pointers are INCLUDED

19 x Plastic Cupping Cups (Premium Quality, 13 of the 2″ dia cups, 1 of the 1.8″, 2 of the 1.6″, 2 of the 1.3″, and 1 of the 1.1″ dia cups), 1 x Pistol Grip Hand Pump, 1 x extension tube (optional), 1 x Carrying Case (Professional Look).  Magnificent quality plastic cups with shockproof & heatproof that can be sterilized with boiling water. 10 custom Acu-pressure pointers included. It is finest baby bottle plastic material used for strong, clean, and leaves no marks and scratches easy.






Cupping Therapy Set – Best Quality in Class Massage Cups for Face, Body, Back and Legs for Trigger Point, Myofascial Release, Cellulite & Wrinkles

  • One of the BEST GIFTS You Can GIVE Yourself and Your Loved Ones – Cupping Massage is known to help: improve circulation, reduce inflammation, release toxins (lymphatic drainage and detox), lower blood pressure, relax muscles, relieve joint pain, fibromyalgia, regulate hormones, release endorphins, promote healing, improve sleep.
  • MASSAGE Can help you feel human again! Stretch weak, tight or atrophied muscles, reduce post-surgery adhesions, ease medication dependence, reduce spasms and cramping, lessen depression and anxiety. If you suffer from headaches, migraines, neck, shoulder or lower back problems, muscle stiffness, tension, sport injury, Carpal Tunnel – Cupping can help!
  • Body Cups: traditionally used for thousands of years to relieve muscle & joint pain & inflammation, neck and shoulder tension, stress, increase circulation, metabolism, visibly improve cellulite, stretch marks, scars, spider veins, digestive function, fibromyalgia, firm & tone skin and much more!
  • What You Get: 5 Massage Cups – Body Cups: 1 Large (2″), 2 Small (1.5″) + 1 Facial Cup (.75″), 1 Eye Cup (.25″) diameter + FREE Exfoliating silicone face brush, satin bag, tutorial, professional cupping videos and unconditional guarantee and replacement warranty.
  • You Will LOVE How Cupping Makes You Feel and THE DRAMATIC RESULTS. LURE created a unique a GIFT SET to help you achieve desired results with Cupping Therapy: strengthen the immune system by stimulating lymph flow – the body’s natural defense system; improve condition of your skin (collagen and elastin), wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite, scars and more!






Bellabaci Super Training Set from Bellabaci

  • A highly innovative yet insanely practical massage therapy cup that not only takes the strain out of massage, it allows you to offer your clients long term solutions to persistent problems.
  • Once trained it is easily performed by qualified massage therapists and physicians. a wonderful ancient technique has found its place in the modern world of healing.
  • Bellabaci massage is a modified and simplified version of the ancient cupping therapy
  • Less stress and strain on your own body during massage. faster better results and solutions to old ailments and treatments can be tailored to suit any massage routine.
  • This massage utilizes the Bellabaci silicone, hand squeezed cups, which create suction on the body surface and moving them in a specified sequence we have created an exciting new treatment, which apart from being different and new it also provides the patient with excellent healing results.






Bellabaci – Video Training & Digital Manual






Bellabaci Professional Therapist Massage System from Bellabac

Cellulite Treatment, Lymphatic Drainage, Deep Tissue Massage, 4 body cups, 2 face cups, case, and instructional dvd, A daily ten minute massage can bring you incredible results!





Mascara History, Tips, Vegan Recipes, And Tutorials


Mascara and Lashes
Lusccious lashes 136786013

No eyes are complete without a frame of lashes curled and defined lashes to flutter.  For a semi-permanent solution ideal for vacation consider having your lashes color, but for every day there are mascaras to color, thicken, volumize, lengthen, curl, or condition.  Waterproof formulas withstand rain, tears, and swimming-they can be a godsend for wearers of contact lenses, .  Clear mascara gives a dewy look to natural lashes and can also be used to hold brows in shape.


History of Mascara


Mascara back dates thousands of years, early examples of those attempts can be found in the archeological digs at several ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia and Assyria, where dust of ground precious stones were used to decorate women’s lips and eyes, but the true revolution of mascara for eye related cosmetic products came from Ancient Egypt.


egypt-eye makeup

Egypt society slowly built fashion that integrated not only with their medicine, but at the same time with their religion. Egyptians viewed fashion as a way to honor their beliefs, and majority of population used Facial and body painting on regular basis. Eyelash and eyelid products that appeared there speak of the substance called kohl it was one of the most widely used cosmetic products in both ancient and modern Middle East, it was made from charcoal or soot, honey ,water and strangely enough, from crocodile stool, wow who would have thought!!


Kohl and ground up minerals 

Khol and ground Cristals for make up


Ancient Egypt Eye Make up Applicators


Antien Egypt eye make up applicators

They used it to darken eyes, eyelashes, and eyebrows, protect their eyes from harmful dust and microorganisms that were blown by the wind, ( we tend to forget that eyelashes are for protection of our eyes) and off course, this substance and accompanying applying ritual was a part of their religion (most often it represented preservation of wearer soul against harmful evil spirits).


Eye Make up as a protection in Egypt




In Ancient Egypt, men used to style their lashes just as often as women. They used kohl and ointments to darken the lashes, which also served as protection for their eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. Women also used malachite on their lashes as they believed it worked as an aphrodisiac Hummm thats a thought!!

After the fall of Rome, Europe fell into dark times, in this era when cosmetics were viewed as vanity items of rich and powerful people. The changed during the reign of English Queen Victoria (1837 – 1901, fashion style continued to live until 1912) cosmetic products and elaborate clothing became the integral part of woman life of mid class and high social classes. Elaborate beauty routines, complex fashion styles, and public promotion of cosmetic pushed women to spent many hours a day applying makeup on their faces. Mascara represented very important part of every woman cosmetic collection, and illusion of dark and long eyelashes became their obsession.

Victorian women are really into their makeup, and with painters from the Pre-Rapahelite Brotherhood celebrating lovelies with impossibly long lashes, mascara formulations once again abound. Recipes include everything from a blend of ashes and elderberries to lampblack, which is the sticky soot from oil lamps.

It was in 1913 when French chemist and perfumer Eugène Rimmel produced the first industrial made non-toxic mascara. This product was far from perfect, messy and inconsistent, never the less it managed to become massively popular across Europe, South America and other continents , where several countries still call mascara products as “Rimmel”. Worldwide acceptance of mascara came from the mind of T. L. Williams who devised very similar packaging and formula as Rimmel, but he managed to market it better and eventually form his company“Maybelline” which is even today well known  for their mascara he created the first modern day mascara by mixing coal dust and petroleum jelly. Ouch!!!! Toxic right?

Modern mascara gained large popularity only after much promotion and marketing by Helena Rubinstein (1870 – 1965). Her influence, and constant promotions by various movie actresses of 1930s, 40s, and 50s made mascara socially acceptable in any situation and an important part of almost every fashion style make over all over the world.

Eyelashes are always about one-third as long as the eye is wide and this is the ideal length for diverting air flow to keep eyes from drying, our main takeaway is that they’re just as consequential to our eyes health as they are important for our vanity.


The first non toxic Rimmel Mascarafirst-non-toxic-mascara-by-rimmel


Maybelline Cream Mascara 



Maybelline Cake Mascara


Maybelline cake mascara

Different Mascara Wands



Great mascara aplicators







Mascara 101aplicators

Big Eye and Brush 121396087 (1)



Asian Girl mascara 147670433 (1)


TIP:  I only use waterproof mascara in a special situation I don’t regularly do, because it tends to dry the lashes, it coats them and doesn’t let them breath, aside it is hard to remove and promotes rubbing the delicate skin of the eyes and under the eyes, and irritates the skin by doing that, is best to give a place for that kind of mascara.


Color:  Black mascara defines the eyes like nothing else and works with almost any look, but electric blues and deep purples can also be stunning, so don’t be afraid to experiment.  Dark brown mascara is generally softer and more flattering for mature faces.


Application:  Whatever formula you choose, here is a foolproof guide to applying mascara:


1. Make sure the wand is not overloaded so that the product is less likely to come into contact with the skin.  Look down and stroke the wand over the top of the upper lashes from roots to tips you can hold the lid gently uppward that helps you reach the roots without getting it on the lid.  Move along from one corner of the eye to the other until every lash is coated I usually move my eye ball to the opposite corner so I can get in closer.

2. With the eyes wide open, stroke the wand up the upper lashes from underneath, starting at the roots and sweeping up to the tips.  Move along as before from one corner to the other until every lash is coated.  Repeat, but this time move the wand up the lashes in a zigzag motion to coat the sides of each lash.

3. To add more volume to the roots of the upper lashes, hold the want vertically and push it directly up into the roots, working your way along from corner to corner.

4. To coat the lower lashes, hold the wand vertically and sweep it from side to side over the lashes, being careful not to let the wand touch your face, it helps to open your mouth and pull your lower jaw down.


TIP:  I like to use an eye liner brush to coat the roots, that way I prevent my self from touching the skin and at the same time I clean any eye shadow that got in the lashes which will show the mascara as fake and not so natural.


TIP: You can purchase or make your own Mascara shield with rice paper and stick it to the skin with your foundation so it doesn’t move, it will help you prevent getting it on the skin.


TIP:  I personally don’t use mascara in the lower lashes on every person, only on certain eye shapes, it can have an effect of droopy eye.


DO Wipe the brush clean before you first apply a brand new mascara you can do this on the edge of the tube when you are pulling the brush out. That way you get a feel for the brush and how much to load up for maximum effect minimum flick back, that way is no clumps that can transfer to your skin. Clumpy lashes are the result of applying too much product.

Using a light touch and an eyelash comb or brush used before mascara has dried will help fluff the lashes and remove excess product, you can use a mascara spun to do the trick.

DON’T Rely on one mascara to do it all! Consider mascara wordrobbing like you do with your clothes – using more then one mascara – you create your  desire look to suit your lash needs and overall look. For instance if you have short, sparse lashes and crave length and volume begin with a lengthening formula and slim brush design to extend lashes followed by a curved or bigger brush combined with a thickening formula to add volume to upper lashes just customize it to your needs.

DO  I like to moisten lashes with a clean, wet brush or Qtip prior to applying mascara. I learned that by doing this it allows the mascara to go on more smoothly and evenly. Remember to apply the product starting at the lash base and working outward to the ends of the lashes.

DON’T Pump. Don’t pump the wand in and out of the tube. This action does not coat the wand with mascara any better and only causes the mascara to dry out faster by introducing air to the container and most likely messing up the brush an coating the entrance of the tube with product wish will prevent to close the tube air tight.

DO  You can Layer it usually people apply just one or two coats of mascara to lashes; however,in many cases you may actually need three or four layers to get at the desire look. In the case of short, thin lashes, try mixing mascaras. You canFirst start by applying a layer of mascara meant to lengthen lashes. Then add a layer of mascara meant for thickening the lash try what works for you, is good to do a bit oaf research and collect pictures of looks you like and then practice.


Don’t the answer is a big NO Add any other products to your mascara in the tub somebody once ask me if adding water or moisturizer to extend and thin out the mascara was okay the answers a big NO!!! it will ruin the product and it may not be safe for the eyes


Duration of a mascara to be safe  Is best to discard the  mascara after 2 at most 3 months, are lashes are designed to catch bacteria, dirt and anything that posts danger to your eyes so usually the mascara brush brings a few of those invaders into the tube of mascara there is wet and dark Hummm! great grounds for bacteria and other invaders to proliferate.Using a new mascara is a lot shaper than an eye infection not to mention the risk and pain.

For safety and hygiene purposes, NEVER test mascaras at the cosmetics counter even with their through away mascara wand, somebody before you may not be so careful and you can get an infection.

For more Tips this is a great site

http://www.paulaschoice.com/expert-advice/eyes/_/makeup-tips-tricks-mascara#dos .



 Mascara Shields




DO  Hold your brush like a pro and go vertical as well as horizontal stokes. when you use the tapered end of the brush it allows you to push lashes up for a wide-eyed look.

DON’T  Is best not to load up to much mascara to lash tips as that make them heavy and result in the dreaded droopy look Place your focous on the roots and pulling the wand through to tips.



Recipes to make your own Vegan mascara:


Vegan home made mascara

1tsp Candelilla Wax

1.5 tsp Jojoba Oil or Argan Oil

1 tsp Black Iron Oxide

1/4 tsp Zinc Oxide

This will make 5 to 6 pots


How to make it:


Begin by mixing the black iron oxide and zinc oxide until well blended.

Place a small glass or metal bowl over a pot with water over low heat on the stove, add the wax to it and the oil and let it sit until completely melted do not boil the mixture when it starts to melt mix well.

Add the mixture to you sanitized pots and press down with apeace of cloth like gauze or cheesecloth, you can press it with the back of a  spoon let the mixture set and dry before using.

A great way to transfer your finish mixture to the pot is to use a large syringe or a small pastry bag, you can also make a cone by cutting the end og a strong plastic bag,is a bit messy this way.

Cake mascara is well applied with a spoolie brush or a brow brush.

If for some reason your mixture is runny, add a bit more Iron Oxide until desired consistency,I always like to add more color for certain recipes so you get a more fuller and luscious look.


Creamy Mascara Recipe



1/2 tsp Carnauba Wax

1/2 tsp Candelilla Wav

1/4 tsp Cocoa Butter

1  tsp  Jojoba oil

2 drops of preservative Sodium Benzoate or Potassium Sorbate

1 1/2 tsp pigment color use 2 tsp for pigment with Mica

this mixture makes 6 tubes or more




Black  use 1 1/2 tsp black Iron Oxide

Brown use 1 1/2 tsp brown Iron Oxide

Black Brown use 1 1/2 tsp black Iron Oxide and 1 tsp brown Ironn Oxide

Blue use 1/2 tsp black Iron Oxide  and 1 1/2 tsp deep blue mica, you can apply different color micas for desire looks.


How to make it:

Mix your color pigments together using a coffee grinder or a mortar ( like you are making guacamole) or a ziploc bag.

Place a glass bowl over a pot of water on a low heat on your stove.

Add the waxes, butter, and oil to the bowl and let it sit until melted , do not boil and mix well.

Add the pigments slowly so you don’t create lumps, mix well until is a smooth paste, a little whisk works really well.

Add your preservative and mix well

A safe preservative to use that are safe for eyes

is Potassium Sorbate

According to  https://blog.honest.com/what-is-potassium-sorbate/#


Ingredient: Potassium Sorbate


What it is: Potassium sorbate is a salt of sorbic acid which is naturally found in some fruits (like the berries of mountain ash).  The commercial ingredient is synthetically produced creating what is termed a “nature identical” chemical (chemically equivalent to the molecule found in nature).

What it does: Fights bacteria. Most personal care products are made with a lot of water and a variety of nutrients ) which makes an incredibly hospitable breeding ground for microorganisms. What’s worse – the product might smell and look just fine, but be swarming with bacteria or fungi  Effective preservatives are vital for ensuring safety!

Transfer the mixture to the mascara tubes.


Vegan Eyelash Conditioner Recipes


from: http://www.fashionwithaconscience.org/2012/11/16/how-to-grow-long-eyelashes-naturally/
Most of us crave full and natural lashes. Though we can’t change the lashes we have from the inside, we can use topical treatments to help them grow healthier and longer. There are a number of different eyelash serums and growth conditioners you can purchase from the store or have prescribed from your dermatologist. They have their benefits and risks so be sure to do your research or talk with your dermatologist to see which product would suit you best. There are a number of different natural remedies to create your own homemade eyelash conditioners. Results will not come overnight but over a period of weeks–possibly months–so be prepared for a slow process. Take a break from mascara and curling your lashes once in a while to give them a break from all the lash stress. Give these natural eyelash conditioners recipes a try to achieve longer, thicker, and fuller lashes!


Coconut Oil Eyelash Conditioner

– Coconut Oil
– Extra Virgin Olive Oil
– Vitamin E Oil or capsules
– Small clean container
– Disposable mascara wands or cotton swabs

Pour equal parts of each oils into a small container. Note that coconut oil is solid at room temperature but melts when warmed or mixed with other oils. Dip your mascara wand or cotton swab into the mixture, remove the excess and apply it to the root of your lashes twice a day. Make sure to use the conditioner on clean lashes.
Avoid using your fingers to apply the conditioners to your lashes because they can transfer bacteria into the mixture and also absorb the oils. Mascara wands and cotton swabs are precise and insure that every one of your lashes benefit from the goodness of your homemade eyelash conditioners.
Try one of these recipes and let me know how you are liking them. Also, if you have your own recipes please share them with us so we can all grow beautiful, long, voluminous lashes.


VItamin E Eyelash Conditioner

from: http://www.beautylish.com/a/vmyvn/diy-lash-conditioner


1 Vitamin E oil or capsules
2 Small container or plate
3 Cotton Swabs
You can use vitamin E capsules or vials of oil to use as an eyelash conditioner. Squeeze or add a few drops of vitamin E oil into your clean container or plate, making sure not to touch the oil with your fingertips. Dab the cotton swab in the oil and sweep the swab across clean eyelashes from root to tip on both sides of lashes, twice a day (typically in the morning before makeup application and before you go to bed).



Longer Lash Conditioning Serum

from: http://hellonatural.co/eyelash-conditioning-serum


• 2 tablespoons castor oil
• 2 tablespoons 100 percent aloe vera gel
• Jar with lid
• Q-tips or clean mascara wand

1 Combine castor oil and aloe vera in a small container with lid.
2 Shake to combine before each use.
3 Apply nightly to lashes with Q-tip or mascara wand.
4 Do not rinse.


For more information watch the videos below:


The Amazing Mascara Trick You Need To Try By Beauty and the Boutique


 THE NEW WAY TO APPLY MASCARA By gossmakeupartist


Adele Doll Lashes Makeup Tutorial Video by Robert Jones


 How to Curl Your Eyelashes: Makeup Tutorial Video by Robert Jones







Chantecaille Supreme Cils Mascara







Cle De Peau Perfect Lash Mascara







UGG Beryl

Huge Sale







London Times Long Sleeve Printed Jersey Shift









London Times Plus Size Long Sleeve Printed Ponte Shift