pure + simple inc. lip balms



pure + simple


We would like to introduce a company with much appreciation for their conscious products and beliefs. We tested their Lip balms and loved them. We are at the present time working in New Mexico, where it is so dry your lips and those of the actors are peeling dry, with the use of their Lip Balms we solved the challenge completely.

Their Balms have a silky feeling with a soft scent from the essential oils that clearly are distinctive of a natural Pure+ Simple quality. The company follows strict measures to make sure that they respect our Eco system and the wellbeing of animals. There is no requirement or set Law that states that cosmetics have to be animal tested and that is a fact.We don’t support cruelty for the sake of  our own interest in any way, so with that said we wish to introduce you to their amazing product with an endorsement of excellency. Enjoy and share in great health happiness and love.

Pure + Simple Inc. Lip Balms


pure + simple inc. lip balms are made with local distributors and suppliers using all-natural and organic ingredients.


We use very few ingredients to ensure that the person using our balm can look at what’s listed on the label and know what it is. It’s very important to be aware and familiar with what goes into our bodies and with all of the harmful ingredients in our health and hygiene products today, it has become critically crucial. The many chemicals used in the bulk of products on the market make their way directly into our systems causing serious long-term harm. There is no reason to continue using these Frankenproducts when Mother Nature has already provided a solution. This is why we keep our product pure and simple.


lemon + eucalyptus



Our extra virgin coconut oil is organic cold-pressed which is a non harmfull chemical process to ensure the oil retains all of its nutritional value and quality as opposed to oils processed through heat.

The essential oils used are processed in the same way as our coconut oil with some essential oils processed through steam (because of the nature of the herb or flower) to achieve the same goal.

The beeswax used in our non-vegan balms is free of contaminants, is not bleached and is free of dyes and artificial fragrances. The wax has a warm honey scent to it – not the smell of smoke resulting from the extraction process.


vegan 2



Our vegan balms are made using 100% all-natural and pure vegetable wax extracted from the Candelilla plant as a great vegan alternative to beeswax. This wax lends a softer smoother feel to the balm (as opposed to the firmer Chapstick-like consistency of the non-vegan balm), one most often found in potted balms. The reason we kept the vegan balm in tubes is to cut down on contamination. Since the products don’t contain preservatives, there’s more of a chance of contamination by using your fingers making tubes a more hygienic and easier option to use.

The other ingredient added for extra moisture is the 100% natural and raw, pure African shea butter. We use raw, unrefined shea for the same reason we do the coconut oil; to ensure harmful chemical-free processing and a pure, clean ingredient.

While the creator of pure + simple is a vegetarian (with movement toward veganism), she understands the plight of the vegan community and the frustration in the lack of vegan-friendly products in the market. This is why our lip balms come in both vegan and non-vegan options. Our future products such as our all-natural and organic deodorant, lip gloss and body lotion will offer both options as well


Having grown discurage of buying “all-natural” products with ingredients we couldn’t pronounce and had to look up, we tinkered with and tested a few recipes until we came up with a stripped-down version of our favorite all-natural beauty products. There’s no reason to keep reverting to our old toxic standby products for great results when Mother Nature can provide just the thing! Our products use as few ingredients as possible to maintain purity as well as uncompromising effectiveness because we believe that pure and simple can yield so much more.


Our products are:

. natural / organic

. offered in vegan

. BPA free

. gluten free

. not tested on animals

. hand-crafted

. made in the USA


Every part of our process is earth-conscious. We are firm believers in our responsibility to Mother Nature and as such, our products are BPA-free, recyclable and are shipped using 100% recycled content kraft mailers. Our labels are made of 100% recycled brown kraft label, printed with soy ink made from renewable, environmentally-friendly soybeans and are protected with a non-toxic sealant spray. We do not ship any promotional paperwork for our company with your product and receipts are emailed reduce the amount of paper used. Simple and sustainable.


To further our impact, a portion of our proceeds goes towards The Eden Projects for the reforestation of Haiti, Madagascar, Ethiopia, and Nepal and the employment of their local villagers.

Why should I bother with hippie lip balms?

Most popular lip balms on the market are full of all kinds of chemicals not suited for the human skin or human consumption. Here’s a list of a few ingredients that are likely in these balms:



Parabens interfere with hormone function and have been linked to increased risk of breast issues and reproductive toxicity. Studies have shown methylparaben and BPA to block the breast issues drug tamoxifen. Unfortunately, these plastic hardening chemicals can also be found in cans, food containers, beauty products, children’s toys and eating utensils among many other products we use every day. We wanted to put a product into the world that doesn’t follow that unconscious business model.



Petrolatum is derived from petroleum oil that needs to be refined. Some refining methods use toxic compounds and if the petroleum jelly becomes contaminated during the manufacturing process, toxins can find their way in. The US doesn’t require that the full refining history of a product be known and that the manufacturer be able to show that the “substance from which it is produced is not a Toxin.”  Additionally, petrolatum doesn’t moisturize, it creates a barriers on the skin keeping what little moisture you may have had on there the only moisture you will have which is the opposite of what you want in a lip balm.



Has been shown to mimic estrogen as an endocrine disruptor and is linked to developmental and reproductive toxicity, and a possible dangerous toxin. It’s used in jet fuel and embalming fluid to mention a few.


Fragrance and flavor

Ever notice how labels are super specific and then all of the sudden you come across vague terms like “fragrance” and “flavor”. Why be vague? when everything else seemed to be so transparent? That usually means they’re hiding ingredients in there that aren’t good for you. Unfortunately, the FDA created a loophole allowing manufacturers to squirrel away almost any ingredient under those vague terms without listing the actual chemicals used if you pay a good price for the endorsment .


Synthetic colors and dyes

Derived from coal tar, all FD&C color pigments have shown to be highly toxic when tested on animals, making them not vegan to boot.



Chemical sunscreens may disrupt the body’s hormone system. The most common, Oxybenzone, has been shown acts like estrogen in the body, alter sperm production in animals, and is associated with endometriosis in women.


Salicylic acid:

While you may be familiar with salicylic acid in pimple medication, it’s added to lip balms to act as an exfoliant. The downside is that it can be drying and can even cause your lips to peel, which is the opposite of what you’d want in a lip balm.These are just a handful of the reasons to avoid a lot of the harmful chemically-laden lip balms on the market – consider the fact that not all of their ingredients are even made available to the public by the deplorable use of loopholes.


What’s the difference between your stuff and Burt’s Bees?

They use lanolin which is wool grease, making it a no-no for vegans and questionable for vegetarians. As listed on their web site, not all of their fragrances are natural and they use soybean and canola oil to use less of the more expensive oils that are better for you and have not fallen to the great GMO takeover as much as soy and corn have.


What’s the difference between your vegan and non-vegan lip balm?

Our non-vegan lip balms are made with the use of beeswax which (most) vegans do not use as it is an animal-derived substance. The balm has a more Chapstick-like consistency and has a matte finish on the lips. Our vegan lip balms are made with candelilla wax instead of the beeswax as it is derived from the leaves of the small Candelilla shrub native to northern Mexico and the southwestern United States. The balm has a softer consistency than the non-vegan version and goes on with a bit of a liquid feel to it, leaving more of a protective sheen on your lips. We opted out of putting the vegan balms in pots to avoid contamination from fingers digging into the product.At the same time these ingredients aid with healing and protecting the tissues of your lips.


Why aren’t your products 100% organic?

While some of the products used can be purchased organic, we have not come across beeswax that can be accurately certified organic for example. Since bees can travel as far as they have to in order to reach a food source and can span thousands of acres, there is no way to follow and manage each bee to certify that they have not come in contact with contaminated flora. We are on the constant search for suppliers who can give us a better answer to this issue and will continue to better our product with every new find.


Do you test your products on animals?

We test our products on ourselves so that no animals are harmed or forced to partake in something for which they are not suited. We use minimal, natural and organic products and so no humans are harmed in the making of our products.


Which of your products are vegan?

We offer vegan versions of every product we make and will make because we understand the plight of the vegan, as we are vegetarians aspiring to become vegans and understand how hard it is to find good products that don’t lack in quality.


How does my internet order ship?

Orders are shipped U.S. Postal Service First Class Mail in a recycled mailer.


Why is there nothing in the package aside from my lip balm?

In an effort to cut down on waste, we don’t box our lip balms because it’s not of any use to the consumer once they receive and open it to remove the actual product. We don’t send little flyers promoting our company because you already know who we are and how to reach us. We don’t send an invoice or packing slip since you already have that in your confirmation email. The less we send, the less we use, the bigger the impact.





About the Candelilla plant

from: https://aneyefortexas.wordpress.com/2011/03/18/candelilla-the-small-plant-with-a-world-of-uses/

Candelilla wax comes from the Candelilla plant, a small succulent that grows in bunches and looks like it’s all stems. The plant usually has a bluish-white cast to it and is rarely more than a couple of feet high. It grows throughout the Chihuahuan desert, but your best chance of seeing it is in Big Bend National Park or the Big Bend State Ranch where it is protected from exploitation.

Candelilla is a true desert plant, preferring hot, dry conditions and well-drained calciferous soils. Young plants grow in single clumps. The leaves are so tiny, and last such a short time, you are not likely to ever see them at all. But the stems produce more than enough food to maintain the plant and help it grow. As stands of Candelilla become more established, the plants frequently grow into large circular patterns like giant donuts.



The Eden Projects – Plant Trees | Save Lives

The destruction of healthy forest systems causes so many different problems. Trees provide a habitat for animals, purify water sources, control flooding and erosion and help to replenish the soil with nutrients needed for farming. When farmers can’t grow anything their farms fail and they have no option but to move to the overcrowded cities looking for work. Often they have to resort to selling themselves or their families into slavery just to survive.


The Eden Projects – Plant Trees | Save Lives from Eden Reforestation Projects on Vimeo.




Every child born with a cleft – anywhere in the world – should have the opportunity to live a full and productive life. Smile Train provides free cleft surgery to hundreds of thousands of poor children in developing countries.


Changing the World One Smile at a Time from Smile Train on Vimeo.




Rainforest Foundation 

Every year an area of rainforest the size of England and Wales is cut down.

This leaves local people homeless, drives animals and plants to extinction and releases more CO2 emissions, which cause climate change, than all of the world’s planes, trains and cars.

Tropical deforestation is an issue that affects us all.

The Rainforest Foundation tackles deforestation locally and globally. Locally it helps forest communities to gain land rights, challenge logging companies and manage forests for their own wellbeing and protection of their environment. Globally it campaigns to influence national and international laws to protect rainforests and their inhabitants.

Since it was founded in 1989 the Rainforest Foundation has helped indigenous and local communities to protect more than 100,000 square kilometers of rainforest .

 Mission Statement

The mission of the Rainforest Foundation UK is to support indigenous peoples and traditional populations of the world’s rainforest in their efforts to protect their environment and fulfil their rights to land, life and livelihood by assisting them in:

1. Securing and controlling the natural resources necessary for their long term well being and managing these resources in ways which do not harm their environment, violate their culture or compromise their future.
2. Developing means to protect their individual and collective rights and obtain, shape and control basic services from the state.

A Different Approach

The Rainforest Foundation’s approach differs from that of other organisations in that it is committed to both human rights and environmental protection.

Early attempts at environmental conservation often excluded local populations and sometimes resulted in forced expulsion from their traditional lands.

From the start the Rainforest Foundation believed that the best way to protect the rainforests is to let the indigenous people who have inhabited the areas for centuries control and manage the land.

Indigenous peoples’ participation and their knowledge of the local ecology are now recognised as the most effective environmental management tools. Not only does it support practical projects in tropical rainforest areas, the Rainforest Foundation carries out international advocacy campaigns.

Experience has proven that the combination of practical work and lobbying, all of which is based on local experience, is the most powerful tool for lasting change.